Leafly Buzz: The 12 Hottest Cannabis Strains to Smoke in 2025
Crazy, exotic candy flavors. Dramatic, glittery looks. Knockout effects. The culture's next hot cannabis strains are ready for your taste buds. Every January, the flower column
Leafly invites you to Love Buzz – an immersive flower release party
Did you know that Leafly reviewers consistently report that some strains are more arousing than others? It's true – certain strains of cannabis regularly rev up consumers
Leafly Buzz: 12 Top Weeds in November
Let's put a busy election month behind us and get back into the happy warrior pose. Leafly Buzz – our popular West Coast fireflower collection is back for Turkey Day and the
Leafly Buzz: The 12 Best Weed Strains of October
The West Coast is full of za-za whether you're indoors or outdoors. While Croptober dries in barns and rooms, indoor growers continue to produce near-flawless gas, candy, cake
Leafly Buzz: The 12 Best Cannabis Strains in September
This September, the country's budtenders are giving us their 2024 Budtender's Choice picks for the state's best strain and brand, but you don't have to wait for the
Leafly Buzz: 12 Hot Weed Strains in August 2024
West Coast weed lovers are in for a fall treat with some award-winning strains, both old and new. Expect fresh pieces from Panama Red and Headband in stores and fields this August,
Leafly Buzz: 14 Hot California Pre-Rolls of the Summer
Summer plans are in full swing and that means ready-to-use, pre-rolled joints for pit stops, dog walks, raft rides – you name it. But getting a good pre-roll is just as risky as
Leafly Buzz: 12 Hot Cannabis Strains for May 2024
Fresh from grilling and chilling on Memorial Day, we have a dozen top-notch weed tips to heat up your summer, Leafly Nation. We didn't just scour the online menus, stores, and
Leafly Buzz: 13 Top Cannabis Strains of March 2024
When you smoke as well as Californians, you can be sure you're smoking as well as the best in the world. That's the conclusion of the marijuana flower scene in Barcelona th
Leafly Buzz: 13 Top Cannabis Strains Ranked for February 2024
Welcome to Leafly Buzz in February. We received your monthly bouquet of Fireflowers from the West Coast. But we're changing the format here in Buzz's third year. You have t
Leafly Buzz: 12 Hot Strains to Smoke in 2024
America's 40 million monthly pot smokers continue to push the limits of flavor and awesomeness in 2024. We've reviewed the data for 7,514 varieties and more than 6,000 menu
Leafly Buzz: 13 Top-Cannabissorten im November 2023
Hören Sie zu, Geschmacksjäger mit hoher Toleranz, die diese köstliche Köstlichkeit brauchen, die nur moderne Exoten liefern können. Nach einem weiteren stressigen Sprint zum T
Leafly Buzz: 13 Top Cannabis Strains for September 2023
September is a busy month for cannabis on the West Coast. A flood of crop varieties is just around the corner and the hunt is on for Leafly’s crop varieties in October and th
Leafly Buzz: 13 Top Cannabis Strains of August 2023
Labor Day or not, summer just keeps simmering on the west coast. Up in the Humboldt County cannabis highlands, the summer light plant is migrating to the stores while the full sun
Leafly Buzz: The world’s best hash for Oil Day 2023
The most heady of all holidays is upon us as the hash world gears up to celebrate the 10th of July. If you hold your laptop upside down, you’ll quickly notice that 710 upside
Leafly Buzz: Die 13 besten Weed-Sorten vom Mai 2023
Ich muss schon sagen, dass es ein Kinderspiel ist, Mays Leafly Buzz auf die Beine zu stellen. Wenn im Mai so viele Blumen blühen, pflücken wir einfach die Kirschen, die großarti
Leafly Buzz: 13 Top Cannabis Strains of March
The month leading up to April 20 saw no calm before the storm, Leafly Nation. The US cannabis industry moved to Barcelona, Spain, and for two weeks it raged around the
Leafly Buzz: Die 14 besten Weedsorten des Februars
Erinnerst du dich an deinen Neujahrsvorsatz, besseres Gras zu rauchen? Leafly erinnert sich. Die diesmonatige Zusammenfassung der brandaktuellen Neuheiten auf dem Multi-Milliarden-
Leafly Buzz: 13 trending weed strains of ’23
Listen up, bong-loaders and blunt-rollers of North America: 2023 in cannabis flower promises to be a banger. More growers in more legal states will push out even more fierce combos
Leafly Buzz: 12 top cannabis strains of December
December ranks among the most wonderful times of the weed year. Our file cabinets clang with fresh jars of homegrown. The calendar bursts with parties to attend, and people to smok