Leafly Buzz: The 12 Hottest Cannabis Strains to Smoke in 2025
Crazy, exotic candy flavors. Dramatic, glittery looks. Knockout effects. The culture's next hot cannabis strains are ready for your taste buds. Every January, the flower column
Smoke the best-selling cannabis strains of 2024
This may be niche, Leafly Nation, but go with me. I remember an old nursery rhyme from my childhood that went: “Make new friends, but keep the old ones.” One is silver
Why does my side hurt or ache when I smoke from the bong? Causes and solutions
Cannabis is most commonly consumed through smoking, which is the inhalation of smoke produced when cannabis is burned. However, it is also the most harmful. Cannabis smoke contains
Do e-cigarettes set off smoke detectors?
When vaping, you wonder whether the vapor from an e-cigarette could actually trigger the alarm. You are not the only one with these concerns. To provide clarity, we have put togeth
How long does vape smoke stay in the air?|LOOKAH
Have you ever enjoyed the perfect hit of your vape and then wondered, “How long does that vapor last in the atmosphere?” “Vape aerosol may dissipate more quickly than smoke f
What is resin? How to smoke it?
What is resin? Resin is the byproduct you find on your bong, rig or hand pipe after smoking or dabbing cannabis. If you haven't cleaned your bong or pipe in a long time, you wi
Good grades: 3 things I can't smoke without
What should you definitely not miss before a cigarette session? Good Grades and Leafly asked your favorite smokers what they need before smoking. Each week, Leafly and Good Grades
How to Smoke Weed: A Beginner's Guide
Are you interested in the world of cannabis or would you like to refine your smoking techniques? This guide will walk you through the basics – from understanding what weed is to
Can you get secondhand smoke from vaping?
Secondhand smoke can be harmful because people can inhale the fine particles in the vapor aerosol, which can pose health risks. Vape aerosol contains nicotine and toxic substances
How to stuff and smoke a bowl of weed? Step-by-step instructions
Getting started with smoking cannabis can be as exciting as it is daunting. There are many ways to smoke marijuana, but none is as well known as smoking a pipe or bong. Learning ho
How to smoke a pipe? Step-by-step instructions
Smoking a pipe has been one of the most common methods of consuming weed for centuries, ever since some long-forgotten genius filled a pipe bowl with cannabis and lit it. The canna
How to smoke a bong? A step-by-step guide
Bongs have always been a popular method of smoking cannabis, both in modern times and throughout history. Bongs are popular with young and old alike due to their simple and elegant
How to smoke a bong? Step-by-step instructions
Learning the best way to smoke a bong can be easy, and we'll help you get there and teach you everything you need to know. However, there are some tips for hitting the bong. Be
How to smoke dabs? The best methods? With or without a dab rig
Cannabis concentrates, or “dabs” as they are more commonly called, are becoming increasingly popular in today’s market. Fortunately, you can smoke wax dabs in a variety of wa
Does George Clooney smoke weed?
He is one of the most famous faces in the world and is associated with tequila – but does George Clooney smoke weed? Despite not having made a successful film in over 10 years, G
What are Sun Rocks and how do you smoke them?
What are Sun Rocks and how do you smoke them? Most people have probably heard of Moon Rocks. They are believed to have originated in the West Coast rap/hip hop scene in the 90s. Mo
Does Robert De Niro smoke weed?
He was part of the cool club from the very beginning – he broke the conventions. Tough, determined and busy – does De Niro sometimes chill with weed? He was the tough g
How to smoke weed on the beach without getting caught
Your browser does not support the video tag. It's summer and of course you want to get stoned. But before you get attacked on the beach, there are a few things you need to know
Leafly Buzz: 12 Hot Strains to Smoke in 2024
America's 40 million monthly pot smokers continue to push the limits of flavor and awesomeness in 2024. We've reviewed the data for 7,514 varieties and more than 6,000 menu
Smoke the best-selling cannabis strains of 2023
In a sea of nearly 6,000 varieties, what deserves the best? If you flip through an old issue of High Times or ask an OG smoker about their favorite strains from back in the d