How and why should you chill a friend in 2021?
I think it’s safe to say that the vast majority of the world is currently in a state of heightened fear. Whether due to the threat of the pandemic or the threat of authoritarianism as a result, the world has never been as tense as it is today.
That’s why you should Cool a friend in 2021.
It’s just the kindest act of generosity a stoner can give to another reefer.
But what does it mean to “cool a friend”? In essence, “to cool someone down” means to smoke them out. That’s what we used to call it when we were dry and shouted a bud.
“Hey brother – I need a smoke!”
And that’s how your homie would come to your home [or you to theirs] and they would smoke you.
However, we used to not have the choice that we have today. They had “weeds”, no particular strain or anything – just weeds and that was more than fine.
These days we have a choice. We can order things online. We can buy groceries, tinctures, flowers, oils for our friends – you name it, you can buy it.
And so it is a little different to “cool someone down” in 2021 than “to smoke someone out” in the past. In the following article, we’re going to cover some of the basics of “cooling” someone.
Where did the idea of “Reefer a friend” come from?
I was working on creating marketing materials for a cannabis customer in Canada called The Caviar Collection. As I studied their website, I noticed that they had an offer that said, “Refer a friend and you will both get $ 15” or something like that.
I figured this was a brilliant new addition to the cannabis reefering world.
And so, with a simple play on words, I began to think about how deep it could be to “cool” someone.
The Non-Selfish Reason Why Should You Chill A Friend?
Well – firstly, because you are a great person who has empathy and would like to give a friend a fine refrigerated container.
Second, because when you do kind actions, you make the world a better place. Of course, some would consider these to be “gift drugs,” but in reality all gifts are simply the act of removing the “pain of paying”.
What is the “pain of paying” you ask?
Well, when someone buys something, there is an exchange. While you are receiving a product, you are also giving your money to the person.
Money stands for the time that you have spent on X, Y or Z – in other words, it is the amount of time that is quantified and represented by a paper.
Not only is the $ 100 bill, but it also represents your reduced time and experience collecting the money.
So when you “buy” you are giving away more than just money – at least on a very subconscious level. This loss of sales leads to “pain”. The more a transaction “hurts” or the perceived value of the product is less than the perceived effort to make any money at all, the more difficult the purchase becomes.
So when you’re chilling a friend, the greatest gift you give them is taking the “pain of paying” and waving their responsibility within the transaction.
What a good friend you are!
Interestingly enough, buying gifts becomes an art when you understand the pain of paying because you know that the less the pain of paying, the greater the appreciation for the item.
So the next time you think about buying something for someone else, think about what they would consider “a great deal of pain” and buy this for them – you will see the appreciation on their face.
The selfish reason you should chill a friend
If being selfless isn’t your thing, that’s okay. As I mentioned earlier, this was inspired by the announcement of the Caviar Collection in which they had a brilliant marketing strategy of giving both the “friend” and the “reefer” a $ 15 credit.
This means that just by referring someone, you can also make personal profits and get discounts on weed.
But there’s also a more altruistic reason why you should chill on a friend, and again it relates to happiness.
Behavioral economists have found that “giving,” especially when you have a choice on the matter, indicates an increased level of luck with the giver.
It turns out that making other people happy will make you happy too!
And what is cannabis besides happiness that condenses and materializes in plant matter? So if you recommend someone, you will not only gain in discounts, but also in luck.
One day you may not have – The Reeferer Philosophy
When camping in the wild, people tend to be gracious to strangers. You could wander around and then see a complete stranger coming in the opposite direction and instead of ignoring each other like people in town – people waving to each other and saying “hello”.
Because there is an unwritten rule for hiking in the wild: “Be nice to those you find because they might pull you out of the ditch!”
That’s right, unlike the city where other people are concentrated when you’re in the wild – you have to be friendly because these are most likely the people who will save you if something goes wrong.
In the same spirit of wilderness hiking – chilling a friend is your contingency plan for a rainy day. You and your friends collect “Homie Points” and one day, when you run dry on cannabis, a friend may return the favor and “Chill you!”
The sticky bottom line
The past few years have been quite a shit, and while people are still focused on the pandemic, they have forgotten that the world was in a state of rebellion before the pandemic. Mass protests took place in almost every corner of the world.
And while some might think these issues have subsided, take a look at how Colombia reacted to a government tax hike. Check out what happened when Trump lost. Just look at the rumors of wars between superpowers.
The fuse may have been removed from the bomb due to COVID, but the bomb is still primed and ready to blow. Just add the backup!
In the spirit of preserving humanity, recommending a friend could be one of the most active things you can do for world peace.
I’m joking, but seriously – buy someone weed on the internet today and start a chain where you can cool a friend to stone the world before we blow each other up.
Can you give away weeds, read this ..
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