Cannabiz Media brings customers unprecedented email success

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Many companies will provide you with tools, and some companies will provide you with training on how to use these tools. However, there are very few companies that can offer you a tool, teach you how to use it, and provide free access to technical and strategic experts to ensure you are as successful as possible in using it. Cannabiz Media is one of those companies with their Email Success Support System!

What is the Email Success Support System?

Cannabiz Media’s e-mail success support system advises you on your e-mail marketing from a technical, strategic, marketing and content point of view by offering a complete analysis of the e-mail campaigns as well as individual advice and coaching, if customers so wish. In particular, it offers:

  • Analysis of campaign performance: For Cannabiz Media clients, this includes a technical analysis (e.g. inbox placement results, spam results, problems with DNS and domain reputation, etc.) as well as audience and content analysis (e.g. segmentation, targeting , Text creation, subject lines, calls). to act, design, commitment and more).
  • Bi-weekly educational webinars: From October 20, 2020, Cannabiz Media will start webinars every two weeks for its customers, which deal with the technical, content and strategic aspects of email marketing.
  • One-to-one technical support and strategic / content advice: Customers can receive ongoing individual help as needed.
  • content: Cannabiz Media publishes a variety of blog posts, e-books, and more that provide on-demand resources that customers can use to successfully email marketing while using the Cannabiz Media license database.

All email marketing support is included with Cannabiz Media subscriptions at business level and above at no extra charge!

What expertise is brought to the table?

Led by Director of Email Marketing Strategy Susan Gunelius, our clients have access to the person who literally wrote the book on email marketing for business, The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing.

In her role on this team, Susan brings nearly 30 years of marketing experience directly to each of our clients. You would have to spend hundreds of dollars an hour to work with her directly, but as a subscriber to the Cannabiz Media License Database, you get access to her knowledge and experience as part of your subscription fee! Susan is a recognized marketer and branding expert (Google her name and you’ll see her online footprint as a leading marketer. She has nearly 30 years of experience in some of the largest companies in the world, both as a freelancer and as an owner) a marketing communication agency.

She spent the first decade of her career directing multi-million dollar marketing programs for AT&T and HSBC. Today she provides marketing communications services to customers around the world through her KeySplash Creative, Inc. company. Her clients include household brands such as Citigroup, Cox Communications, Intuit and others, as well as startups, small businesses, and midsize companies in a variety of industries.

Susan has worked in the cannabis industry since 2015 and with Cannabiz Media as a content writer and blogger. She has an extensive background in B2B marketing as well as marketing for highly regulated industries and advises clients in the cannabis industry on B2B email marketing Susan has not only supported clients with their marketing, but also 11 books on marketing published by leading global publishers and translated into multiple languages. Her books have even been used in many university classes around the world.

She writes on marketing, email marketing, branding, copywriting, and more for a variety of media publications including,,, and You can also find their marketing articles on sites like,,, and many others. She has also appeared on various national radio shows, as well as on television for CNBC and MSNBC, and speaks on marketing topics at events around the world.

That’s not all! Susan also founded an award-winning blog for business women, Women On Business, and is a certified professional career coach. She holds a BS in Marketing and an MBA in Management and Strategy.

How Can Success Email Support Help You?

The bottom line is that the e-mail success support system is full of talent and know-how, and we are at your disposal when you need us!

We want your Cannabiz Media subscription to pack a punch, and we’re learning how to create a successful email marketing strategy using Cannabiz Media’s built-in email marketing tools. This is one of the best practices. Would you like to plan an email campaign analysis? Contact your account manager and let them know.

Not yet subscribed to the Cannabiz Media License Database? Schedule a demo and see how it can be used to connect with cannabis and hemp license holders and grow your business.

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