Why vapes don't smell like weed
Flowers are still popular, but so is vaping. One reason for this is that it is more discreet due to the lack of smell
Sometimes you can tell when someone is using weed, and sometimes you can't. As more states adopt legalization and it becomes mainstream in Canada, Europe and the US, the way people consume is changing. Millennials and Generation Z are upending the way people consume. Flower is trending among older and more traditional users. E-cigarettes and gummy candies have become the go-to options for younger people. It is more discreet and easier to carry and easy to use in public. This has led some to question why e-cigarettes don't smell like weed.
Why vaping doesn't smell like marijuana lies in the science of how each method produces a high. Through a process called decarboxylation, exposure to heat on raw flowers converts the precursor tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) into the psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). But raw flowers also contain many other organic compounds, many of which, like terpenes, are also altered during combustion and are responsible for the distinctive smell of burnt marijuana.
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Vaping cannabis oil works a little differently. Vaporizers heat oils and concentrates to a temperature that converts THCA into THC without burning it. Flower vapes are also designed to heat the flowers only enough to trigger the chemistry that triggers the high.
Because as secretive as vaping is, it is not without its drawbacks. Cannabis oils and concentrates are typically produced for maximum THC concentration, often by refining and then distilling inexpensive weed residues. Marijuana flowers contain hundreds of compounds in addition to THC that work together to produce a unique high only found when smoking flower. However, this is changing as concentrate manufacturers produce “full-spectrum” oils that, in addition to THC, also contain terpenes and cannabinoids such as CBD.
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Another disadvantage is counterfeit e-cigarette cartridges and devices. Vape batteries contain batteries that can explode or cause a fire if left in a high temperature area, such as a locked car, or exposed to air or water. Some malfunctions due to poor quality. Counterfeit cartridges may contain harmful chemicals or little to no cannabis. Even cheaply made cars can malfunction or leak, causing any remaining oil to be wasted and unusable.
The ability to get high conveniently and discreetly with an e-cigarette is great and made all the better, more consistent and hassle-free when the manufacturer's instructions are followed and you take responsibility.
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