UFC gives cannabis the green light

The first major sports organization has recognized that cannabis can play a role in training and medical recovery

The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is the first sports organization to completely change its stance on cannabis and THC. Official mixed martial arts events are now cleared due to weed. UFC is the parent company of the full-contact combat sport MMA, which is based on striking, grappling and ground fighting and combines techniques from various combat sports from around the world. The first documented use of the term mixed martial arts was in a review of UFC 1 by television critic Howard Rosenberg. At the end of 2023, they set another record when they announced that they were eliminating cannabis as a banned substance.

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In 2021, the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) took steps to protect professional fighters from penalties related to THC-positive test results. Now the organization has gone a step further and officially removed cannabis from its revised list of banned substances for athletes.

“The UFC’s goal with the anti-doping policy is to be the best, most effective and most advanced anti-doping program in all of professional sports,” said Hunter Campbell, UFC chief business officer. “UFC is proud of the progress we have made with our anti-doping program over the past eight years, and we will continue to maintain an independently administered drug testing program that ensures all UFC athletes compete under fair and equal conditions. With this new version of the program, UFC has once again raised the bar for health and safety in combat sports.”

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“The criteria for banned substances will be modeled on WADA's in- and out-of-competition programs, with modifications based on historical evidence.” Marijuana has been removed from the ban.

MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) is widely considered one of the most dangerous sports in the world due to the constant blows to the head and body. A heel kick to the jaw would make anyone grit their teeth. Every fighter should expect to be injured at some point in their career. Injuries occur during training because they spend most of their time in sparring (low intensity fighting), grappling, heavy bag, etc. The most common injuries include skin tears, broken bones and concussions.

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Medical marijuana will be of great help after struggles with inflammation, relieving pain and speeding recovery. In any case, players will be the beneficiaries of this policy

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