Why does music sound so good when you're stoned?

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If you've ever gotten high at a concert or smoked and listened to your jams while stranded on a desert island, you know that, as with most things in life, music works better with weed. It's great at first, of course, but with a little THC in your system, you may notice new layers of sound or meaning in lyrics you've never noticed before, and songs you've heard a thousand times suddenly sound brand new again. But what causes this special relationship between music and cannabis?

Join Merry Jane as we break down the *actual science* that explains why music sounds so good when you're high. (As much as we love old hippie ramblings on the subject, we're dealing with facts here.) See how cannabis can seemingly expand time and space, affect frequencies, alter speech perception, synchronize sound and images, and much more Tap the right brain. If you're feeling a little too “lab coated,” you can always just put on some music, lift yourself up, and experience the feeling for yourself.

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