What are the chances that Louisiana will legally get weeds in 2021 after the house vote?

Everyone is wondering what the future holds for the cannabis industry in Louisiana. When the house saw a few weeks ago, it passed a law that would reduce penalties for recreational marijuana use.

Personal marijuana use has long been illegal in not only Louisiana but several other US states as well.

With this bill, any Louisiana resident found with less than or less than 14 grams of pot is safe from jail time. This is the same weight as an empty beverage can.

The law was passed on May 12, 2021.

Sponsored by Representative Cedric Glover, this bill is a welcome development for the people of Louisiana. This is because existing pre-bill laws allow prosecution of Louisiana citizens who are in possession of the drug. The law has not lifted these penalties for first-time offenders.

If a person was previously found with a lot of cannabis, they would have to be brought to justice. Once convicted, they can be fined up to $ 300 or sentenced to at least 15 days in prison. This applies to first-time offenders with less than 14 grams of pot.

For others arrested for possession who have more than 14 grams of pot, the fine can be up to $ 500, with a prison sentence of six months or more.

This bill would obliterate any form of prison sentence for first-time offenders. The fine would also be reduced to just $ 100 for the following convictions.

Depending on a convicted person’s financial standing, the court may set the payment schedule for fines for cannabis users. If the defendant is found to be poor, he can receive either community service or installment payments.

This way the prisons are not overloaded.

Once that bill is affected, a subpoena will be issued to anyone who violates the new regulations. This can be compared to a traffic ticket. This bill would affect all regions of the state, including the three largest cities of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Shreveport.

I would like to point out that these three cities have similar laws in place to reduce sentences for convicted marijuana offenders. As of March 2021, Shreveport was the last of the three to do so, and the city’s penalties include a $ 50 fine and / or community service.

The Glover bill isn’t the only cannabis bill introduced this year

The past year seems to have opened the eyes of several politicians to the benefits of cannabis reforms in their states. This year alone, the Louisiana State House of Representatives has seen more than three bills related to cannabis. However, only Glover’s was widely accepted by the majority of reruns.

Another bill worth mentioning is that sponsored by Representative Richard Nelson. This bill proposes that cannabis be fully decriminalized across the country. If this bill is approved by the home, a legal market for growing, selling, and buying recreational herbs would emerge. With the necessary regulations and tax procedures.

It was approved by the property management of the Criminal Justice Committee.

In a couple of weeks we will know the direction of this bill, as it is due to be debated throughout the House before June.

Representative Nelson also supports a proposed recreational cannabis license draft

This draft law has been read in the House for the second time without any objection from the representatives present. In the event that this bill is passed, entrepreneurs would pay an annual fee of $ 2,500 for cannabis business licenses.

Louisiana citizens who wish to grow a pot for personal reasons would also pay $ 100 per year to obtain a cultivation license. These changes would go a long way toward improving local communities and law enforcement in the state.

Taxing cannabis

There might be a law imposing a tax on cannabis sales in Louisiana. This can also be determined once the drug is decriminalized.

According to the submitted proposals, adults would have to pay a sales tax of 15% on procured cannabis products. This does not affect the state and local taxes already paid.

Under this law, all illegal cannabis companies must receive tax stamps on all products.

However, this can only happen if the drug is legalized nationwide.

Medical cannabis is not left out …

The House recently passed a law allowing patients in the state to source whole-flower marijuana plants. This bill is designed to ease restrictions on Louisiana’s medical marijuana program.

This law was passed with a landslide victory of 73 to 26 votes. This bill will go to the Senate in the coming weeks. Bill sponsor Tanner Magee said the bill would go a long way in lowering cannabis costs for the Louisiana citizens who need it. It would also enable them to purchase products that have minimal side effects.

Once this bill is approved by the Senate, doctors in Louisiana could finally recommend conventional marijuana products to patients. These patients would be allowed to purchase up to 70 grams of cannabis from approved pharmacies within 2 weeks. You are allowed to smoke these products.

The governor could be a stumbling block for Louisiana legalizing adult cannabis this year. The governor has always spoken out in favor of legalizing cannabis versus recreational activities.

Recently he reportedly promised to look at the bill, which the house would send to the best of its ability. “I’ll take a look at it at this point and let you all know exactly how I feel about it,” said the Louisiana governor.

State lawmakers must maintain their current pace to push these cannabis reform laws forward. It is not new that the majority of Louisiana residents support the legalization of recreational cannabis.

I am glad that possession of cannabis is no longer a safe way to go to jail in Louisiana.







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