The best tips for a marijuana tolerance break in the spring

During Lent, people give up something they love while fasting to show their faith. Related activities include Dry January, Wet January, cleanses, and a sugar detox. The concept of taking a break from habits. Overall, between 15 and 35% of all drinkers take part in Dry January. According to a study by the University of Sussex, around 71% of Dry January participants reported sleeping better and 67% had more energy.

Daily cannabis users may notice changes in their tolerance. As with alcohol, it may take more to produce the same feeling… be it the quantity, a higher THC level, or the frequency. This is probably a sign that you should consider taking a break. And here are the best tips for a marijuana tolerance break in the spring.

When you consume cannabis for a long period of time, the body becomes desensitized to its psychoactive effects. When you constantly put THC in your body, the receptors that bind to it become impaired. Imagine giving your receptors a chance to recover.

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Reduce consumption

Does it make a difference to reduce consumption compared to a full stop? This method will certainly help, but the receptors are still activated every six months. Many marijuana enthusiasts prefer this half-way approach, and for some it works. If you consume several times a day, limit consumption to the evening. If used as a sleep aid, consider opting for melatonin or other remedies as a replacement for a few weeks.

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How long should it take?

Everyone is different, but most programs last 4-6 weeks. If you take a day or two off, your body won't be able to get used to it. THC can remain in your system for 30 days. Allowing the cannabinoid to flow through your body will do your body good. Be careful when rebooting for the first time.

a simple guide to packing and smoking a bowl of marijuanaPhoto by contextaddict/Getty Images

Negative side effects

If you go on a caffeine vacation, you may experience symptoms of irritability, mood swings, or other withdrawal symptoms. It can be

What if it's for medical reasons?

This is a bit tricky. If you use cannabis as medicine, it is advisable to consult the doctor who recommended it for the disease. If you are currently taking it as an aid to chemotherapy, post-traumatic stress disorder, for pain relief, or another serious illness, it is important to balance the desire for medication with the desire to reduce your tolerance.

The best advice is to stay active. Take long walks or go to the gym. The release of endorphins can help prevent or mitigate the negative effects.

If you find this a difficult task, it may be a warning sign that you are becoming addicted to the drug. But try to focus on this silver lining: taking a long break from cannabis will save you a lot of change. And who couldn't use a few more dollars in the bank account?

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