Boomers and Gen Z use marijuana for similar reasons
Cannabis has become popular among all age groups of adults – but the surprise is that Generation Z and Baby Boomers use it for similar reasons. Cannabis is completely legal for o
Science discovers a moment similar to a marijuana high
Science has proven that cannabis is better than alcohol. Further research is being conducted to explore the potential for medical assistance. Just as helpful as addictive opioids,
Similar varieties to Dosidos: Canada edition
With so many strains available, we must all have tried a lot of cannabis this year. The dates are in and Dosidos will rule as Leaf Variety of the Year in 2021. Although the strain
The Kush / Cookies Drift: strains similar to Dosidos
Not everyone can buy Dosidos of the Leaf Variety of the Year 2021. But almost anyone can enjoy the strain’s legendary grandparents, or hit offspring, or related strains with
Scientists are developing on-site tests for cannabis use similar to an alcohol tester
By Nicolas Jose Rodriguez Researchers could be closer to developing the equivalent of an alcohol tester for detecting marijuana in a person’s body, according to an article pu
Why do the prices of similar CBD products vary so much?
There are significant differences in the prices of CBD products around the world. That difference has become more apparent over the past year due to the increased demand for CBD pr
Why do the prices of similar CBD products vary so much?
There are significant differences in the prices of CBD products around the world. That difference has become more apparent over the past year due to the increased demand for CBD pr