Word search alert for adults! A Guide to Anal Sex and Cannabis
For some reason, cannabis users tend to be more prone to accidents when they choose to go through door number two. I’m talking about anal sex, cannabis use, and accidental po
Sexy Post Pandemic Word Search and Tips to Have Fun
The Spanish flu lasted from 1918 to 1920 and was followed by the Roaring Twenties … history never made more sense. The end of this pandemic is in sight and one thing has beco
TikTok also wants to be a job search app
TikTok has constantly taken control of our lives. It’s an inevitable app that got stuck during the pandemic and is now planning to embark on the job hunt. According to Axios,
Maryland cops can no longer search people for smells like weeds
Picture over A man searched by Maryland police as a minor succeeded on his appeal, prompting a state judge to officially rule that the smell of marijuana is not a legal justificati