The administration hastens to reschedule the appointment by April 20th. to postpone?
After three years of hesitant action, the Biden administration now appears to be applying some pressure to get the DEA to act Does it open the door to a new era? It appears that th
Why the DEA is taking so long to reschedule marijuana
Spring is in sight, but winter still has its grip on the weather – here are some tropical cocktails to give you that summer feel Winter will be over in three weeks, but it
Why the DEA is taking so long to reschedule marijuana
The Biden administration has been slow to follow through on its last campaign promise to help the cannabis industry…wait for the DEA In 2012, Colorado and Washington legalize
How to reschedule or rescind marijuana under federal law
Rescheduling vs. Cannabis Rescheduling: What’s the Deal? how would it happen On October 6, 2022, President Joe Biden called on Attorney General Merrick Garland and Secretary
Is there sufficient clinical evidence to reschedule cannabis?
Through Lydia Karuki The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) classifies all drugs into five different categories (from Schedule I through V). The DEA’s listing and class
Organization intends to reschedule psilocybin mushrooms in UN categorization
The International Therapeutic Psilocybin Rescheduling Initiative (ITPRI) launched a campaign on January 11th to achieve a worldwide reform of medicinal mushrooms. The organization