Synthetic cannabinoids in cannabis vapes are raising health concerns in the UK
The rise of synthetic cannabinoids in cannabis vapes is a growing concern as recent reports from the UK show that many vapes sold as cannabis or CBD products actually contain illeg
Trulieve invests $4.5 million in Florida's recreational marijuana campaign, raising stakes for 2024 election
Florida's path to recreational marijuana legalization just got a significant boost from Trulieve, one of the state's largest cannabis companies. Trulieve recently contribut
Death of a Trimmer: A cannabis worker’s death went unnoticed for months. Now it’s raising alarms in the industry.
When occupational asthma killed Lorna McMurrey, it should have set off alarms industrywide. But nobody spoke up for eight months, even as thousands of cannabis workers were—and c
Los Angeles is raising cannabis tax rates to keep California’s illegal market alive
Los Angeles County voters overwhelmingly voted in favor of a measure that will impose business taxes on cannabis operations operating in unincorporated regions after such operation
Reefer madness, but in a good way – The NCAA is raising the allowable THC limit for collegiate athletes
The National Collegiate Athletics Association will relax marijuana drug testing guidelines for student athletes Pot is no longer considered a performance-enhancing drug Late last F
KushKart starts shipping marijuana in Massachusetts after raising $ 3.6 million
Not only is cannabis an extremely medicinal and health plant, it is fast becoming a fantastic way to ensure social justice in our communities. Since the American states started leg