The Justice Department and DEA just issued a federal cannabis license to grow and sell weed
Maine-based cannabis company Maridose announced a few days ago that it has received federal licenses to supply and distribute cannabis concentrates, extracts and flower for pharmac
With over 4,200 cannabis licenses issued to date, Oklahoma will now try and approve recreational marijuana
Oklahoma activists submit signatures for initiative to legalize recreational pots Cannabis activists in Oklahoma have made a significant feat in their attempt to legalize recreatio
California County Sheriff has issued a state of emergency over illegal cannabis cultivation
Of Nina Zdinjak The Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office in northernmost California is asking state and federal regulators to come and see firsthand the problems illicit cannabis
Arrest warrants issued for two teenagers in deadly shooting at Washington Dispensary
Arrest warrants have been issued in Washington for two teenagers allegedly involved in an armed robbery at a state cannabis dispensary that killed an employee, and a string of othe
New Jersey Congressman Outraged that Not One Cannabis License Issued to Black-Owned Businesses
Representative Donald M. Payne, Jr. issued an official statement on January 28, announcing his disapproval that not a single cannabis license, out of 56 licenses issued in New Jers
Few medicinal cannabis licenses have been issued in Portugal
Ever since Tilray left for Portugal in the early days of German cannabis cultivation in 2017, the country has been touted as “the place” within the European Union (EU) for Germ
Cannacurio # 43: Where will the next cannabis licenses be issued?
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