5 other things to do when cut off from Netflix
Across the country, people are washing their teeth as Netflix cancels “free” subscriptions. The streaming service said it began alerting its members to its new sharing
As demand outstrips supply, Oregon weed traders cut prices
Harvest and sales have plummeted in Oregon over the past month, and the result could be cheaper cannabis for consumers. That’s according to a report by local news station KOI
Is California’s Crop Tax Cut Too Little, Too Late?
After four years of exhaustive efforts, Californian leaders abolished the cultivation tax along with other changes, giving cultivators a little breather. But is the plan just shift
Cut out alcohol, there’s a new Weedy Vice King in town
Since Colorado legalized recreational marijuana in 2012, it’s no secret that doing so would be a financial godsend for both cannabis companies and the state itself. A decade
Health experts say marijuana’s link to suicide is not cut and dried
People who use marijuana are more likely to have suicidal thoughts. This is the latest round of anti-pot propaganda coming from some research groups published in the past two month
Vancouver City Council votes to cut ridiculously high fees for cannabis retailers
Cannabis was never a new invention in the modern world, but the cannabis community has drawn a lot of attention since the early 20th century. Nations and cities are now more intere
Hitting the cannabis black market to cut down on legal sales
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