Researchers want to understand why ediblocked folks can’t get up at weed edibles
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Most cannabis aficionados have had at least one uncomfortable experience of eating too many pot of brownies and becoming too stoned to move at all. But a small percentage of people cannot get high at all from consuming cannabis foods, no matter how much they ingest.
These so-called “edible” people can get high by smoking or vaping weeds like anyone else, but THC foods or oils have little or no effect on them. Some of these people report that they can’t get high at all from eating weeds, while others say they have insanely high tolerances for pot foods. One edible person told the Boston Globe that after drinking hash tea containing 700 mg of THC, he felt only slightly stoned – about the same as seven full bags of THC gums.
Right now, no one knows the percentage of people who have the disease, and scientists have yet to conduct clinical studies that could explain why some people cannot digest THC. Dr. Staci Gruber, director of the Marijuana Investigations for Neuroscientific Discovery programs at McLean Hospital, has hypothesized that could explain this phenomenon.
“We are only just beginning to understand the cannabinoid system,” said Dr. Gruber to the Boston Globe. “And it’s already clear that it’s not just what and how much you use, it’s how you’re wired.”
Gruber and her colleagues have suggested that this condition could be caused by unusual variations in the liver enzymes that are responsible for breaking down THC into its metabolites. It is possible that some people’s enzymes do not process THC at all, and it is eliminated from the body with no effect. Conversely, these unusual enzymes could be over-efficient, essentially breaking down the THC so quickly that it has no chance of achieving the standard psychoactive effects.
This phenomenon could certainly impact demand for cannabis foods, but it has an even more serious impact on drug testing. A person with ediblock who eats a large amount of weed gums may not have any psychoactive effects, but would still test positive for THC on a drug test. And since most states still allow drug testing for employment or driving safety, it means someone could lose their job or driver’s license even though they were freezing and sober at the time of the test.
Gruber told Globus that this phenomenon “underscores the need to understand people’s genetic profiles” when it comes to understanding and interpreting drug testing for cannabis. “There are a lot of variables that people haven’t considered.”
People with this disease also miss out on some of the benefits of medicinal cannabis. Food and tinctures are usually the first choice for people who have to consume large amounts of THC for medical reasons. However, those unable to experience the medicinal benefits of food must consider another method of administration, e.g. B. Vaping or smoking. This can be problematic for people with certain health problems.
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