Make your own bongs & pipes
The first time I realized the Stoner brain was a special kind of genius was my sophomore year of high school. One guy named Teddy H. Cunningham, nicknamed THC for obvious reasons, made a massive one Water pipe in the shop class. He used sections of PVC, duct tape, and random bits and pieces that he had torn from the chemistry department. It was a spectacle like no other that I had ever seen. I remember lying on the floor that such a sloppy, Frankenstein-looking invention could actually be used to smoke marijuana. And yes, he made sure it was lit in class just to prove it was a functional piece.
Even the shop teacher seemed somewhat impressed with the ingenuity it took to get stoned at 10:30 in the morning. But not so much that he was willing to turn a blind eye to criminal behavior in his classroom. There would later be a warning sign threatening students with eviction if similar devices were ever brought to life.
Over the years, it has not been uncommon for me to see die-hard clubheads getting creative to pursue the almighty buzz. These diehards, most of them with no two nickels to rub against each other, had an uncanny ability to create Bongs and pipes from a variety of items, from empty beer cans to random plastic containers. This stage of the stoner technique was used mainly because it was easier than rolling a compound. At other times, these makeshift gadgets were made out of sheer boredom.
It’s been 30 years since THC introduced me to the world of Stoner MacGyver, but the ethos behind these crazy scientific skills is still alive and well according to a new study from Detox.
The drug education website recently surveyed more than 1,000 men and women to learn more about the lifestyle of the part of cannabis culture that still uses stoner ingenuity to smoke weed. The study uncovered a wealth of information on the subject, from the most common materials used in developing temporary smoking devices to the populations most likely to use hobo tactics.
When it comes to building a bong or pipe on the fly, the study finds that the majority of pot smokers (35.35 percent) use two-liter soda bottles (35.35 percent) and water bottles (27.23 percent) Percent) is used for the chamber. Aluminum foil is also high on the list of materials as it can be easily shaped and used as a pipe or bowl.
The more health conscious cannabis user who does not have a store-bought smoking device available usually looks no further than the refrigerator.
The study shows that a whopping 73.78 percent of Stoner MacGyver who work the smoking mechanisms out of fruits and vegetables, apples are above all else. But when that particular fruit isn’t available, other gardening supplies will work just fine. Melons took second place with 7.27 percent, followed by pears (6.44 percent) and carrots (5.60 percent). Cucumber and pumpkin also made the list.
Not only is smoking weed from products safer than plastic and aluminum foil, but respondents also said it made their marijuana taste better.
If the DIY method of making bong seems a little immature, that’s because it is. The study shows that 18- to 24-year-olds (64.06 percent) were most likely to once design and destroy smoking devices, followed by children aged 17 and younger (23.92 percent).
This means that a vast majority of cannabis users who can legally purchase legitimate smoking devices are still making their own bongs.
But why? Well that depends on the situation.
The survey shows that most of them (48.96 percent) do this because they are “in need”, while others (34.57 percent) say they only do these activities “for fun”.
However, older adults have very little interest in revisiting the high school shop class. Cannabis users between the ages of 25 and 44 are more likely to purchase a smoking device from a retail store.
Article from Forbes.com
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