Looks like Virginia is the newest marijuana nanny state

Some politicians believe that the majority of the public is confused or just plain smart. They believe it is important to intervene and change things.

It seems the nanny state is on the rise! After Florida and Texas, Virginia appears to believe that its citizens are “confused” about what they want and that its top elected officials must deal with a population unable to care for itself. Singapore, Korea, and China are good examples of nanny states, but the trend has also taken hold in the United States.

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A perfect example is the legalization of marijuana. According to the Pew Research Center, an overwhelming 88% of U.S. adults say marijuana should either be legal for medical and adult recreational use (59%) or that it should be legal only for medical use (30%). Only one in ten respondents (10%) say marijuana use should not be legal. It has grown into a nearly $30 billion industry and a proven revenue driver for states. Consumer figures show the stigma has disappeared. But some states don't have it.

Some states feel they are better run by parents who know better. This includes Florida, where over 71% of the population voted in favor of marijuana, but the current governor is doing everything he can to block it. Not to be outdone, Texas jumped on the bandwagon. Meanwhile, in an evidence-based world, the Department of Veterans Affairs has changed guidelines for veterans so they can use medical marijuana without losing their right to care and services. The change was based on science, data and need. Despite progress for veterans, it now looks like Virginia is the new, newest marijuana nanny state.

Photo by Joe Raedle/Staff/Getty Images

In a messy dispute, Old Dominion Gov. Glenn Youngkin has made it clear he has no intention of allowing legal marijuana. The pro-tourism slogan is “Virginia is for lovers,” but the top elected official is showing no pro-cannabis sentiment, even as some of his allies are softening their stance. Undoubtedly, there are states like Missouri that generate significant tax revenue.

RELATED: Maine gets it right when it comes to legal weed while California and others struggle

Texas Governor Greg Abbott doesn't care. Polls show a majority of Texans support legalizing marijuana for medical and recreational purposes. Abbott said his position has not changed from his previous proposals – namely reducing the penalty for marijuana possession to a Class C misdemeanor, but not legalizing the drug.

Texas endorses its policy, which includes days without power, and Houston voters' votes no longer count.

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