How to smoke a bong
Step 1: clean your bong
If you’ve used your bong before, be sure to clean it. You can do this simply by separating all parts and washing with water. If the bong is made of glass, you can also use a cleaning solution such as Bong Cleaner to clean the bong. After cleaning, dry the parts and carefully reassemble them. Step 2: fill the bong with water
As mentioned earlier, water helps cool the smoke, which is essential for smooth hits. Just fill the base of the bong until the stem is just covered with water. This is how the smoke has to go through the water. Do not fill the bong too high or you risk spilling bong water on your bud or yourself. The perfect height is about an inch above the bottom tip of your stem.
Step 3: fill your bowl
Add some herbs of your favorite variety. In some cases, you need to use a screen to prevent smaller pieces and ash from falling into your screen Water pipe. Check the directions on the packaging or in your bong’s manual to be sure. Make sure you don’t pour in too much at once as it will make it harder to burn and you don’t want to be left with half-burned herbs. Also, make sure to grind the herbs before adding them to the bowl. Do this roughly so that you get pretty large pieces. If you don’t have a herb grinder, you can use scissors or break the bud apart with your fingers.
Step 4: close all the holes.
In order for the smoke to collect in the bong, all holes should be closed. To do this, place your lips in the bong and the rim against the area around your mouth and seal the mouthpiece. Many bowls offer an additional hole to increase airflow and free the chamber when you inhale the smoke. This hole is called the “carbohydrate hole” and should be closed with your finger.
Pro Tip: Close this hole with a finger on your nondominant hand so you can light up your herbs with your dominant hand.
Carb holes make your bong easier to use because you don’t have to lift your bong and remove your bowl while getting a hit. This will reduce the chance of your bong or downstem breaking. Bongs without a carbohydrate hole have a stronger punch and you don’t have to focus on making sure the carbohydrate hole is closed when you inhale.
Step 5: light it up
This is where the magic happens. Make yourself comfortable on your favorite couch or chair. Lighting up is simple and can be done with a normal lighter. Be careful not to burn yourself. Keep your thumb away from the fire. Holding the lighter on the side makes this easier. We have some really cool lighters and a hemp wick that we think you will like. Check them out in our shop.
Step 6: start breathing
You should start inhaling as soon as you light the herbs. You will see the smoke collect in the chamber of your bong. Keep inhaling until enough smoke has filled the chamber. Be careful, as breathing in too fast can cause your bong water to get into your mouth.
Pro tip: If you want to make smoking a little easier, you should inhale and exhale a few times before lighting the bong with your diaphragm (abdominal breathing). This will increase the amount of oxygen in your body, making it easier for you to breathe more smoke through your bong without coughing or running out of oxygen.
Step 7: let go and meet
Now put your lighter away and get ready to open the carbohydrate hole you closed with your finger or bowl when your bong ran out of carbohydrate. Once the hole is opened, air can flow through the chamber and clean it. Thanks to the additional airflow, you can now easily inhale the smoke from your bong. Hold the smoke in your lungs for a few seconds before exhaling to maximize your hit.
When you are done smoking, throw away the bong water and remove any excess burnt herbs from the bowl. You can easily clean the bowl by rinsing it quickly.
Article from Grasscity.com
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