Celebrating a decade of cannabis media: a journey of growth, innovation and industry leadership

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This year, 2024, marks a significant milestone for Cannabiz Media – We are proudly celebrating our 10th anniversary!

Cannabiz Media has grown from a vision to a powerhouse in the cannabis industry over the last decade, and as we reflect on the journey, it is inspiring to see the impact of our growth, innovation and leadership in such a young industry.

A decade of innovation

From day one, our mission has been clear: to empower individuals and companies in the cannabis space with the data and tools they need to succeed. In an industry characterized by complexity and rapid change, our commitment to innovation is unwavering. We launched the Cannabiz Media Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform, a groundbreaking database that has revolutionized how professionals access critical market data and changed the way the cannabis industry operates and makes business decisions

‍The development of the Cannabis Market Intelligence platform

For ten years, Cannabiz Media has been a trusted industry leader in cannabis information. A brief history tells the story of how the Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform evolved into what it is today.

  • 2014: Cannabiz Media is born after the idea pops up during a 35-mile bike ride.
  • 2015: The first reports are being released on the status of cannabis licensing in Connecticut.
  • 2016: License data reporting will be expanded and digitized throughout the United States. This means that the first iteration of the license database is available as web-based software.
  • 2017: An email marketing tool was integrated that turned what was once a simple data store into an industry-specific networking platform. This allowed users to find, get information about and contact licensed operators in one place.
  • 2018: Additional relationship management tools are added – including deal tracking, follow-up tasks and custom tagging – transforming the platform into a full-service CRM. This development catapulted Cannabiz Media into two unprecedented realms at the time: it was the only CRM that came pre-loaded with leads and the only CRM that exclusively served the cannabis industry.
  • 2019: A license database API will be introduced, allowing users to seamlessly integrate Cannabiz Media's licensing data into their own systems and workflows, with real-time auditing and compliance in mind.
  • 2020: Introducing Cannabiz Intelligence, it provides a solution for financial analysts, investors and legal advisors looking to research, evaluate and model the cannabis industry. This tool presented licensed operator data from a financial perspective and complemented the original sales and marketing tool offered through the license database.
  • 2022: Cannabiz Media wins the Cannabis Technology Award for Best Platform Design from Green Market Report, a Crain's Communications brand, for the innovative and thoughtful creation of the license database.
  • 2023: The License Database celebrates its new stronghold as an award-winning Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform! Shortly thereafter, Cannabiz Media wins the Emjays International Cannabis Award for Market Research/Data Company of the Year.
  • 2024: Cannabiz Media is celebrating its 10th anniversary!

Empowering success stories

One of the most rewarding aspects of our trip was witnessing the success stories of our customers – some of whom have been with us for most of our tenure! Whether you are a small startup or an industry giant, we are honored to stand alongside our partners' achievements. Your growth is our success, and as we celebrate our anniversary, we also celebrate the thriving companies and professionals that make up the Cannabiz Media community.

“Back in 2017 and 2018, when we were a two- or three-person shop, I only had the Cannabiz Media Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform. Our entire company relied on limited licensing states, so it was so important that I knew exactly who had what license. Was the license valid? Was it transferred? There was no other way to get this information, and there is still no other way to get it, other than the Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform.” – Read more from our customer spotlight with Michael Piermont, Leaf Trade: ” We've been with Cannabiz Media for many years now, pretty much since the beginning, so we've grown with Cannabiz Media as more and more information has been added to the cannabis market. Intelligence Platform and we've marketed through the system. That was a huge plus for us.” – Read more from our customer spotlight with Dawne Morris, Proteus Business Solutions “We have found that the Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform alleviates the problem of getting to decision makers in the cannabis industry.” It is a great tool with a great reputation and we love the reliability of the data. Cannabiz Media is the first company to provide us with accurate data so we can focus on our initiatives.” – Read more from our customer spotlight with Jeff Gonring, BioTrack

A look into the future: The future of cannabis and cannabis media

As we stand at the crossroads of the future of the cannabis industry, Cannabiz Media is more committed than ever to driving innovation, providing unparalleled insight and supporting the continued growth of the cannabis community. The next decade holds even more exciting possibilities and we are ready to lead the way.

Thank you to our community

We thank our valued customers (both former and current), partners and the entire Cannabiz Media community for your trust, cooperation and commitment. Your support has been the cornerstone of our success and we look forward to continuing this journey together.

Here’s to another decade of growth, innovation and success for the cannabis industry!

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