Best advice for shy and anxious people using apps

About 40 to 50% of adults are shy, which makes it more difficult to find that special person

About 40-50% of adults are shy, which makes it difficult for you to not only make friends but also find that special someone. All over the world, shy people have a little more trouble and have to work a lot harder to get out there and take advantage of the opportunity. Thanks to today's technology, it's a little easier to do this online. Here you will find the best advice for shy and anxious people who have been using apps.

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Shyness and social anxiety can go hand in hand. Social anxiety is the fear of social situations involving other people, with a focus on “being embarrassed, humiliated, rejected, or looked down upon in social interactions.” But that is not an obstacle to finding a best friend, a partner or even a lover.

Before you begin, make a list of the best qualities that friends and family share about you. It will bring you into the contacts/messages/chats with a positive mood. Knowing your worth before finding someone special gives you a better starting point.

Additionally, limit what you expect from a partner so that you can concentrate better when interacting with others. Maybe 3-4 things so you have a solid base.

Get to know the different apps

One thing that reduces stress and feelings of being out of control is research. Before you start swiping, learn about the different dating apps, especially those designed for shy or anxious people. Although these apps may have a smaller user base than Tinder, they may adapt better to your needs. Research to find out the best tips for profiles, answers, etc.

Get help from friends when setting up your profile

Every person is different when it comes to dealing with fears. While some prefer to keep it to themselves or write it down, others seek the help of their friends and family members. Don't doubt yourself or feel ashamed when creating your profile. Ask friends and family for their opinions and let them help you choose an interesting bio and some flattering pictures. Also ask for opinions on when and how to share information with others online.

Once a week rulePhoto by Brodie Vissers via Burst

Set some boundaries

While dating apps help break the ice, it's common for people to chat with hundreds and never go on a date. Set time limits for yourself and don't allow yourself to chat with people who don't have a clear goal in mind. Dating apps are for dating, which means you have to meet that person in person at some point. It's also important to prevent your dating app use from interfering with your everyday life. Avoid using the app while working or doing something you normally enjoy. If you need help tracking your app usage, turn on your smartphone's time management feature. This tool limits your time in the app by setting a fixed number of minutes per day that will block the app if you've been there for too long.

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Use the chat option to ease the pressure on the first date

One of the best aspects of dating apps is the fact that you can get to know the person you're about to meet before meeting them in person. Take full advantage of chats and text messages by taking the time to formulate questions and answers without the pressure of a stranger waiting for the perfect answer. But a word of warning: Don't linger too long just chatting, it can create unrealistic expectations when you finally meet in person.

take breaks

Breaks are very helpful for all types of dating app users. While dating and chatting with people can be a lot of fun, rejection is almost always part of the equation. Be aware that this can happen at any moment and you could spend weeks swiping around without having a match. Take a break and then jump back in.

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