Do you want more happiness in your life? Grow some plants!

As humans on planet earth, we are all in search of happiness. And that has never been truer amid this never-ending global pandemic. While some people think happiness can be bought, that doesn’t always turn out to be true. Once the excitement we feel after acquiring something new fades, we are sad and unhappy again.

Here lies the beauty of plants! The greatest happiness is not buying a plant, but caring for it. You watch them grow, produce flowers while you invest in their green future. There is a simple virtue at the heart of caring for a plant. You take care of a life and yes, that is one of the most beautiful and lasting feelings of happiness.

The beauty of plant parenting is that you get as much as you give to your plant, which makes you happy and fulfilled. Here are some ways we can give love to our plants and get love in return.

You get a jungle house vibe and decor

It takes a lot of effort to create a lush jungle in your living room. However, the benefit outweighs the effort. By creating a lush jungle in your living room, you bring the outside world inside. You’ll enjoy nature’s presence at all times, even while watching Netflix.

Indoor plants love company, which not only makes you happier, but also your plants. While several studies have shown that planes don’t like touching each other, plants enjoy each other’s company. They enjoy benefits such as better air quality and an increase in relative humidity.

Your house is flooded with sunlight

We all know how important the sun is for plants. So since you don’t want your plants to die, you need to open the curtains to sunlight. This not only helps your plant, but you too!

Sunlight brightens the mood and reaches the deepest corner of your heart. In fact, there are scientific studies that confirm the benefits of sunlight. Natural light stimulates the release of serotonin (happiness hormone) in the brain and makes you happier. A win-win situation, you would agree!

Plants make you a better person

While this may seem like an exaggeration, it is absolutely true! Taking care of your plants can help us enhance traits that make us better individuals. It takes patience, tenderness, kindness and a caring spirit to take good care of a plant. And it is precisely these qualities that we need in order to become better people. With these qualities, you can develop healthy human relationships with your friends and family that will bring you lasting happiness.

You will have a soothing hobby

As humans, we all experience an increased level of calm when we are surrounded by nature. We find that peaceful feeling when we tend to our plants and leave the computer screen behind. Water, cut, wipe leaves, spray…. No matter how far you take your plant care, there is a certainty of feeling calm and relaxed. There is nothing more satisfying than bringing a plant back to life after certain death and watching it grow and thrive.

Plants clean the air

There are many advantages associated with this. Clean and purified air helps balance our emotions, regulate heart rate and blood pressure. Not only that, clean air helps reduce our risk of contracting various diseases and allergies. Plants help get rid of household toxins like formaldehyde, which is found in just about everything. This is quite an advantage, especially if you’re trying to live a toxic-free life.

No doubt we’ve all made serious attempts to rid our homes of these chemicals, whether it’s in our personal products or cleaning supplies. However, they are still used in the manufacture of inevitable furniture such as sofas, rugs, clothes, and rugs. All of these materials contain formaldehyde and various hormones and mood-altering compounds. But with your green companions, you can say goodbye to those harmful chemicals. Plants are natural cleansers and mood enhancers. One could wish for a better companion!

A good night’s sleep

You read that right! If you have suffered from insomnia, a plant can be helpful. Plants have been shown to release oxygen and purify the air. This is exactly what we need for better sleep. More oxygen for better sleep!

Plants, like humans, regulate their day and night activities, although they do not operate on the same principles as humans. To put it simply, many plants also go to sleep at night. When I think about it, why would the morning glory “shut up” or the prayer plant point up when it’s night? That’s because they’re sleeping! However, it had everything to do with light.

All processes of photosynthesis are stopped at night and plants use this time to relax. The same applies to humans. This helps remind us that it’s time to rest and relax. It’s time to go to bed, relax and get the extra oxygen provided by your plant friends. What’s more relaxing than a good night’s sleep? Perhaps your plants will appreciate the early morning watering when you wake up to a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

You will feel rewarded

The longer you treat and care for your plants, the more addicted you become to the tranquility that comes with care. Surely some of your plants will die over the years, but that’s natural. But most of your plants will grow and thrive, why? Because you nurtured and nurtured them. And as they grow, your legacy lives on for years and lifetimes as it can be passed from one generation to the next. What’s more rewarding than that? A sense of accomplishment you’ll feel knowing you’ve nurtured your leafy companions for the next generation.


Plants can be anything you want; Therapy companions, loyal friends, family heirlooms. They are sure to make you happy and help you become a better person for yourself, family and friends.




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