5 fall drinks to replace the pumpkin spice latte

It seems that many people hate the drink and yet it is still very popular. But sometimes you need a break, so here are 5 fall drinks to replace the pumpkin spice latte. Over the course of two decades, Starbucks has sold hundreds of millions of pumpkin spice lattes and the drink has become the most popular Starbucks seasonal drink of all time. It has inspired a variety of pumpkin spice products on the market, including granola, dish soap, and scented candles. Nowadays there is pumpkin spice weed and alcohol. The madness continues.

The taste of pumpkin is amazing. It signals the start of the holiday season, but you can quickly get tired of it when all the restaurants and coffee shops in your area add a little pumpkin flavoring to their coffees and desserts. Alternatively, there are drinks that also make you want to make yourself comfortable on the couch with a fluffy blanket.

Hot Butterbeer Latte

Butterbeer inspired hundreds of people around the world when it first appeared in the Harry Potter books because the name sounds delicious. Luckily, a lot of people have been toying with the idea of ​​the drink, and Starbucks even sold a version of it this fall. Her recipe includes milk, caramel syrup, toffee nut syrup, cinnamon dolce syrup, whipped cream and a shot of espresso. There are also many recipes like this circulating on the internet.

RELATED: Science: 6 Reasons We’re Addicted to Pumpkin Spice Lattes

Chai Latte

Many coffee houses and tea shops sell chai latte, a warm and spicy drink that goes well with the fall season. Starbucks’ Chai Tea Latte is a year-round favorite of theirs.

Spiced latte

Spiced lattes are perfect for people who love spice but have a low pumpkin tolerance. This drink varies depending on the store that sells it, but generally contains ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, and other delicious spices. It can also be made at home with simple ingredients.

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Photo by Nathan Dumlao via Unsplash.

Dunkin’ Donuts Maple Pecan Coffee

Dunkin Donuts’ Maple Pecan Coffee was first introduced in 2017 for the store’s special fall menu. Taking a different approach to fall-inspired flavors, this drink quickly became a favorite, prompting other coffeehouses to introduce their own versions of the drink.

Homemade PSL

One of the downsides of pumpkin spice lattes is the fact that they contain a lot of sugar and empty calories. While you can order the drink with a whole milk substitute, you can also make it at home, controlling how much sugar and syrup is added.

RELATED: Make a Pumpkin Spice Latte That Will Destroy Starbucks

Pumpkin Spice Latte RecipePhoto by Kira on the Heide via Unsplash

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