Will the COVID-19 vaccine mess up your menstrual cycle?
There are many predictable reactions that can occur when receiving your COVID-19 shot, such as a fever, chills, and more. Other side effects, such as affected menstrual cycles, are reported, which raises many questions.
Among the reports that are released, women have explained heavier than usual periods and significant time delays after receiving their COVID-19 vaccine. Does the vaccine really affect people’s periods or are they just coincidences?
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There’s not much research on the COVID-19 vaccine affecting menstrual cycles, but dozens of women have submitted reports of heavier and altered cycles in the CDC’s vaccine adverse event reporting system. This monitoring program is one where anyone can report their side effects after the shot. From that point on, the evidence is considered anecdotal.
Doctors have different theories as to why this might happen, but none of them are very strong. When it comes to experiencing more pain during menstrual cycles, one theory is that vaccination pain can usually make pain worse, resulting in an overall experience that is more uncomfortable and difficult to manage.
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Stress is another factor that could have a hand. “Menstrual cycles can be changed or influenced by many factors, including stress, difficulty sleeping, exercise and some medications. It would not be uncommon for some women to notice changes in their periods after receiving the vaccination, such as: For example, if they come on earlier or if they have a stronger flow or if they experience more cramps than they normally have, ”says Dr. Gloria A. Bachmann told Health magazine.
Photo by Nadezhda Moryak from Pexels
There is currently no way to know if the vaccine could have a direct effect on your periods. Heavy bleeding or irregular cycles were not reported as side effects during the vaccination trials. However, it is believed that changes in your cycle are temporary and should return to normal within the coming month. It is important to see a doctor if they persist.
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Despite the fears and stories, experts firmly believe the importance of getting the COVID-19 shot. Whether you’re suffering from your period or are put off by the potential side effects, it’s important to make an appointment to get your shot as soon as you are able.
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