Will California Allow Coffee and Music in Cannabis Lounges?

Six years after Californians legalized weed, it’s still illegal to make a grilled cheese sandwich and serve it to someone in a licensed cannabis lounge. God forbid that a folk singer also strums the guitar. Someone could report the lounge to both the local health department and the entertainment commission.

But California’s legal cannabis laws could become less onerous this year with three bills proposed to allow for prepared and served food, cannabis music events and even licensed cannabis catering.

Hear Leafly Editor-in-Chief David Downs explain the state’s legal lounge landscape and the odds of the bills – part of an interview with National Public Radio affiliate KCRW’s three-year This Week in Weed “-Segment.

Click here to listen to this playbar below:

Read KCRW’s full post “Food and Live Music Could Come to Cannabis Lounges Under CA Bill.”

David DownsDavid Downs

Leafly Editor-in-Chief David Downs received a Literary Excellence Award from Oaksterdam University in 2022. He has published three books on cannabis since 2009, including the best-selling book Marijuana Harvest, which spans cannabis plant research. Downs has been a visiting professor at the Journalism Law School at Loyola Marymount University Law School, UC Berkeley Extension, and has contributed to the continuing education of the Bar Association’s Marijuana Law Hub, sponsored by the University of California and the State Bar of California. Downs’ work has been published in the San Francisco Chronicle, New York Times, Scientific American, Wired, Rolling Stone, The Onion, Columbia Journalism Review, High Times, Billboard, and many others. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from UC Santa Barbara and was a fellow at the Academy of Alternative Journalism at the Medill School of Journalism in Chicago.

Check out David Downs articles

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