What kind of seeds go with which kind of crops?
There are many types of seeds that serve many functions and whose usefulness is great in growing crops as well as in the kitchen or in the processing industry.
Among the various seeds present, some have a hard outer shell and a more flexible and permeable material inside, another variety may even be edible without processing, and other properties can vary widely from seed to seed.
Among the different types of seeds that we can find, we will name some that we consider to be more important to the buyer because of their performance and quality in processing the finished product to the buyer, such as: E.g .: Creole seeds, hybrid seeds, feminized seeds, enhanced seeds, seeds of vegetables, flower seeds, fruit seeds, among others.
Which seeds for which plants?
We will now refer in particular to the uses and properties of the seeds, which are normally mainly used in various areas of agricultural and vegetable production.
Feminized seeds: Used in cannabis cultivation, it has been a great find due to its high yield and the quality in the product it is derived from, which has made life easier for many cannabis growers. Feminized seeds are seeds whose genetics, through hormonal alteration, allow only female plants to thrive.
They are in great demand because their advantage is that the plants always come from the same family and that purity and quality are preserved.
Improved seeds: The main characteristic of improved seeds is that they are a seed variety selected with the help of humans and have controlled pollination techniques and processes, mainly used for crops such as corn. The characteristics of these seed varieties include: high disease and pest resistance, high production, rapid growth and easy adaptation to all types of regions.
Hybrid seeds: It is, as the name suggests, the crossing of pure varieties. Among its characteristics we can highlight its evenness, its rapid growth, its roots and stems with better persistence and more robust and ultimately a higher quality fruit.
These seeds have many advantages, such as the fact that You can grow fruits optimally in all weather conditions, be it hot, cold, dry, etc. In addition, the number of fruits and seeds in this variety is higher, it achieves a high resistance to pests and diseases, thanks to which the yield and the uniformity of the fruits are preserved.
Seeds for vegetables: Their properties and types vary widely in terms of size, color, texture, and the way each one germinates. Their common similarity relates essentially to the need for water in its growth in order for the seeds to develop properly and have optimal preparation for the production of the crop.
Its uses include lentils, corn, peanuts, cumin, chickpeas, and coriander, among others. Stem vegetables: the most common are onions, potatoes, radishes, ginger. etc. Root vegetables: carrot, yucca, turnip, radish and more.
Flower seeds: There is a wide variety of flower seeds in color, texture, and size, with tones ranging from black to beige. For example, some are different from vegetables because they are usually smaller. The seeds of flowering plants have cotyledons (specialized leaves that store reserve substances that are useful for the embryo to germinate).
Creole seeds: By definition, the term “Creole” comes from the Spanish “Criollo”, which means “native”. Therefore, this concept refers to a typology of seeds that adapt to the environment thanks to a process of natural or manual selection. Among the many benefits that this type of seed offers include avoiding the depletion of the land in which they are sown and returning to traditional cultivation methods of many ancient crops where it is possible to obtain new seeds while sowing .
Creole seeds are the seeds that are cared for and improved under the rule of traditional communities. With great wisdom, farmers in different parts of the world are opposing the technological package of agrochemicals (chemical and agro-toxic fertilizers) and transgenic seeds.
Baby seeds: It is a seed that is characterized by the fact that its grains are tender without having reached maturity. The principle of its use is that they are very young and tender, and have greater resistance to mature seeds. Baby seeds are much smaller and using small swab containers is great for transporting and making sure you don’t lose them.
They are a great advantage as the seeds are fresh and strong, which in these variables can exceed seeds that are already ripe. Baby seeds are disease resistant, so these seeds guarantee a healthy, nutrient-rich harvest. It is important that the seeds can only be used once. This means that no fertile seeds will be produced in the future harvest.
Benefits of Improved Seeds for World Food Production
The demands on food and other products for human use and consumption are increasing day by day as the world population accelerates. This has led to the pursuit of improvements through new technologies and scientific studies that can improve and optimize the production of supplies that are in greater demand by the day.
Since ancient times, man has chosen the strongest and most resilient plants for his harvest. CornFor example, it would not exist as we know it if humans had not separated the most hardy varieties over the years.
This has been achieved over the years and applied to all types of seeds. They are the way for plants to last generation after generation and improve their performance.
They also serve to find new locations and micro-environments depending on the production conditions.
The future challenge facing humanity is to strike a balance between producing more food and preserving the planet for future generations.
With that in mind, the research and strategies outlined over the past few years to better utilize the resources we have to meet the demand for food and other consumer products for the common people.
It is desirable that these new technologies, particularly those related to food growing, crop yields, increased profitability for producers and the use of water, be available worldwide, as these undeniable and unthinkable advances took place a few years ago.
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