Wet January, Dry January or California Sober January

New year, new you, extra weight, fatigue from the holidays – all reasons to perhaps make a temporary change in January – but what's right for you?

The holidays are full of fun and amusement, but they can leave you feeling a little worn out at the start of a new year. January is the time of year when you make a fresh start and set goals to improve yourself. Getting fit, losing weight, doing more, focusing – all great goals, but only 9% of people follow through on their New Year's resolutions. As people share their intentions, about 15% of people begin Dry January. But is this the right or practical solution? Trying to figure out Wet January, Dry January, or California Sober January depends on your goals.

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Ask what you want to achieve? Give your liver a break, take a general tolerance break from intoxicants? Maybe you want to shed the extra holiday weight. The average weight gain during this period is between 0.8 and almost 2 pounds. Or maybe you just want to clear your head. Here is a guide to help you make your decision.

Photo by Jamie Grill/Getty Images

Wet January

Damp January is an initiative where people want to reduce their alcohol and/or marijuana consumption in January. It allows for a more flexible approach that focuses on reducing intake rather than complete abstinence. Considering there is a three-day weekend in the middle of the month, it can make achieving the goal a little easier.

Following Damp January means you should drink in moderation and with a more mindful approach. Losing weight is a little more difficult and you should plan your consumption and set quantity limits.

California sober

California Sober is an initiative where people stop drinking and using drugs other than marijuana. And they use marijuana in moderation. This is a more flexible approach and many people use vapes and gummies instead of alcohol at social events. If used correctly, this can also be used to help you lose weight.

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Dry January

Dry January is the first of all three and means everything has to stay cold for 31 days. This is the least flexible approach, although slipping once or twice doesn't mean you should give up. This is the best program for losing weight and giving your body a break. This is a tolerance breaker for both alcohol and marijuana users who use frequently.

Humid January, Dry January, or California Sober can help your mind and body.

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