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Why marijuana can affect people in different ways, here are some reasons you may not feel high after smoking it.
There are many types of cannabis experiences and it comes as no surprise as there are dozens of them cannabis Tribes to try out and many different Consumption Methods.
Some people like the spots that make them drowsy, while others prefer the strains that produce energetic and pleasant highs.
Some consumers don’t understand what all the fuss is about because they haven’t experienced the high euphoric effects we expect from cannabis.
Although cannabis can be used for many purposes, it should provide consumers with a calming and enjoyable experience. If you don’t experience these benefits of cannabis, there has to be an explanation for them.
Here are five reasons marijuana might not affect you.
You are breathing in the wrong way.
This may sound silly, but smoke is not easy to inhale, especially if you’ve never smoked anything.
In order to successfully inhale smoke and allow the marijuana to penetrate your blood, you need to inhale deeply through your mouth until you feel your abdomen swell. This is not as natural as it sounds, so it may take a few times to get right for non-smokers.
Many people think that holding the smoke creates a stronger response, but that’s wrong.
The lightheadedness you are likely to experience is caused by the lack of oxygen in your brain. This is caused by holding your breath, not the stronger effects of the cannabis.
After taking a deep breath, exhale slowly to minimize the risk of a coughing fit.
It’s your first time.
For first-time users of cannabis,
their experience can be strange.
Cannabis is an unusual drug, and because it affects people differently, they may not know what to feel or experience. This difference between expectation and reality could be the reason they don’t feel as high as they see fit.
Like most things, marijuana use takes some practice. Your body needs to learn to get high and perceive that feeling for what it is.
Some experts also mentioned the cannabis “sensitization period” during which you will not experience the real feeling of a cannabis high as your body develops more cannabinoid receptors which allow it to absorb more THC.
You are using methods of consumption that don’t work for you
Every time you try a new marijuana method it can be like starting from scratch and going through another awareness phase. Edible highs are very different from inhaled highs, making it difficult for you to identify and recognize how each one feels until you’ve been exposed to them many times.
Your genes can also play a role in the way you experience marijuana. Data shows that people with an AKT1 gene mutation are more likely to be paranoid and anxious about smoking marijuana.
Some people naturally have more Endocannabinoids and receptors in their body than others and have experienced a different high for this reason.
That means you can’t predict how marijuana will affect your body. Everyone is different and the only way to learn what works for you is to try different things.
Tolerance level
The tolerance of cannabis is significant. Many factors affect your tolerance, including your age, genetics, general health, metabolism, and frequency of consumption.
Tolerance plays a role in your body’s response to marijuana. Some people only take one drag to feel the effects, while others smoke an entire joint and barely feel it.
Try different methods, dosages, and strengths of marijuana and speak to your local budtender to find out what is likely to work best for you.
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