This is how Cannabiz Media validates emails

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Anyone can claim to use email verification on their emails. There are tons of tools out there that can be used to check both the structure of an email address and the likelihood of it being forwarded to an inbox. Unfortunately, that’s less than half the battle.

Tools like XVerify and Mailgun Email Validation can potentially tell you if an email address should work and if it has been returned in the past. However, you cannot guarantee that the email address is actually being monitored.

Think of it like the USPS checking that the site is accepting email. That’s all well and good, but if it’s an abandoned building it won’t help you.

To make matters worse, email providers like GMail have also set up spam traps – email addresses that are properly validated. However, if you continuously send email to them, you will be marked as a spammer.

Naturally, these e-mail addresses for spam traps cannot be identified automatically. However, by looking for activity in that email account, it can help determine if an email address is likely to be unresponsive and eliminate any potential problems that might arise.

Identify and remove high risk email addresses

Cannabiz Media has developed a technique to identify high risk emails – addresses that have received numerous emails from multiple customers over a period of time and have never opened or clicked a single email.

While these email addresses may be technically valid, they most likely lead to either an uninterested party, a generic email address that is not being monitored, or an abandoned email address. In some cases, they can even be spam traps designed to identify companies sending unsolicited email.

Since Cannabiz Media sends around a million emails every month, we have the analytics to identify those emails even if you haven’t sent them yet and we make sure they are removed from our database and blocked .

Of course, every email is validated In front It will be added to the Cannabiz Media License Database. Our email verification system identifies addresses in one of three risk categories: Low, Medium, or High. Let’s take a closer look at the individual risk levels.

High risk

A high risk email is automatically rejected. These are addresses that were either previously blocked, returned, reported messages as spam, or that the mailbox provider reported as invalid.

Low risk

Low risk emails are those that we are fairly certain to be valid. The email provider stated that it was a valid address and it does not appear to be a generic “role-based” email address. They can still be abandoned, but for the most part we consider them safe until we get other information.

Medium risk

Medium risk email addresses can be generic role emails that we cannot identify the mailbox provider or that the mailbox provider does not tell us if they are valid.

Examples of medium-risk e-mails are “info @” or “sales @” e-mail addresses and e-mails that do not use Google, Yahoo or any of the other popular e-mail providers. They can also contain email addresses for domains for which email is not configured properly and there is no way to tell if the email is valid until we try to send an email to it.

The special sauce known as greylisting is used for medium-risk emails.

Greylisting email addresses

Greylisting is Cannabiz Media’s method of quarantining emails. This is to ensure that you as a customer do not suffer if the address is not valid.

These email addresses are verified by Cannabiz Media by emailing them directly first – before we let others email them to you. Based on this email, there are three possible outcomes:

  • The email is returned, unsubscribed or reported as spam: In this case, the email is immediately marked as invalid and removed from the system. It will also be placed on a blacklist which will prevent it from being added to the system again.
  • The email is clicked, opened, or answered: We identify this email as valid and remove it from the greylist
  • No clicks, openings, or responses are recorded: The email remains on the greylist. Another four attempts are made during a back-off process (two days later, one week later, then one and two months later). If no responses are recorded during the total of five attempts, the e-mail is marked as invalid, removed from the system and added to the blacklist.

This approach enables Cannabiz Media to protect our customers’ reputations and ensure that only quality emails are provided to our customers.

To learn more about how Cannabiz Media protects the reputation of its subscribers and helps them connect with valid cannabis and hemp license holders, schedule a demo of the Cannabiz Media license database and see how they can help your business grow can.

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