These people are at higher risk of developing COVID-19
Many factors can influence whether or not a person is at a higher risk of developing COVID-19. But now we learn that research over the past two years of the pandemic showed that people with mental illnesses and disorders are at higher risk of developing the disease.
A study published last year showed links between worse COVID-19 infections and people diagnosed with mental illness. The study’s lead researcher, Dr. Luming Li, spoke to NPR about their results and what these higher mortality rates could mean.
Photo by Yasmina H via Unsplash
“We found that we had a higher mortality rate in those with a history of psychiatry,” said Dr. Li. The data collected found that people with a history of mental illness were 50% more likely to die from COVID-19 than people with no history of mental illness. Aside from getting worse outcomes after contracting the disease, studies also show that mental disorders make people more likely to get COVID-19 in the first place.
Researchers have many theories as to why this might happen. First of all, people with mental illness may care less about themselves than about others. They could also become isolated, which increases their chances of developing other diseases.
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These people are also more likely to be in poorer mental and physical health than others, and to manage chronic conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular problems, and more. There are also drugs such as antipsychotics that increase the risk of chronic health problems.
Photo by Kyle Glenn via Unsplash
Finally, it’s important to take into account the homeless population in this country, which is made up of around 40% of people who are coping with some form of severe mental illness and who are also at higher risk for COVID-19.
RELATED: This Common Disorder Could Worsen COVID-19
While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention gives priority to people with mental disorders, it is very important for all people who are aware to help their closest friends and family members and advise them on vaccination or booster surgery. These numbers are significant and need to be kept in mind as the pandemic continues and changes.
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