Their preference for black coffee could be because of this, says study

Those who like black coffee and dark chocolate may be genetically predisposed to these flavors. According to a new study, these people can get a wide variety of benefits that improve their overall health.

Black coffee has long been linked to a variety of benefits, especially in people who drink 3 to 5 cups a day, reducing their risk of diseases like Parkinson’s, heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. These effects are even more pronounced when people forego dairy products, sweeteners, and other processed ingredients.

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Photo by Clay Banks via Unsplash

The study, published in the journal Nature, suggests that some people have a genetic variant that causes them to process caffeine faster. These people prefer bitter and black coffee.

Marilyn Cornelis, Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine at Northwestern University, spoke to CNN about the benefits of black coffee and the results of her research. Cornelis and her team believe that people with this gene prefer black coffee and plain tea because they associate bitter flavors with mental alertness.

“We know there is growing evidence that coffee consumption has positive effects on health. But reading between the lines, anyone who advises someone to drink coffee would normally advise them to consume black coffee because of the difference between consuming black coffee and coffee with milk and sugar, ”she said.

Just as some people enjoy black coffee because of their genes, the number of cups of coffee they drink per day can be influenced by their genetic makeup, making caffeine easier to metabolize and making their bodies crave more. “This could explain why some people are doing well to consume a lot more coffee than someone else who may get nervous or very anxious,” said Cornelis.

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Black coffee drinkers also tend to be interested in bitter foods like dark chocolate, which have been linked to better health. Further research in these areas could prove that these people have an advantage over others in terms of their health, prefer healthier flavors and foods, and cling to them for life.

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