The Official Leafly Weed Gardener's Almanac 2024

Your moment has come, budding pot gardeners. Every day gets longer, but your chances of growing a decent pound of weed outdoors by Halloween are decreasing by the hour.

Many of the real farmers started around Valentine's Day, planting seeds indoors to look for the strong and vigorous plants – before moving them outside on Mother's Day.

It's easy to forget planting dates – so there's an age-old solution: the Farmer's Almanac. A device for determining the right time to plant crops dates back to at least 2500 BC. BC and the Greek parapegma.

Luckily, just bookmark this post, save it, print it, or whatever to make sure you take care of each weed at the right time of year.

Let us flow in the rhythm of the sun, moon and earth, towards excellent weed, a good harvest, making hashish in the fall and joy for our friends.


Cannabis grows in annual cycles, beginning with germination in the spring after the last frost. It blooms before the cold November rain. Flowering is triggered by a hormone that accumulates in the plant when it experiences more than 12 hours of darkness each night.

With proper care and fertilization, a single seed can grow into a 15-foot-tall tree that produces several dried, cured pounds of Grade A buds.

This almanac is intended for the northern hemisphere for an outdoor run in full sun. (Southern Hemisphere breeders work 6 months in advance).

Pot gardening also depends on the region and variety. Day lengths differ in Seattle and New York compared to San Diego or Miami.

(Amy Phung/Leafly)

Outlook for spring

California will be cooler and wetter than average this year. We are experiencing El Nino – the periodic warming of the Pacific Ocean that is affecting global weather patterns. Colorado should be colder and snowier than average. Oregon and Washington are expected to be colder and drier than average.


Daylight saving time begins on March 10th. Blizzards still active – north central states. First day of spring – equinox, March 19th. Pop seeds as soon as possible.

Caring for, vegetating and selecting varieties indoors; Monitor sprouting. Maintain high hygiene standards. No cross contamination. Make initial decisions.

Protect baby plants from pets and children. Full Moon March 25th – Worm Moon.


April Fool's Day snowfall predicted for New England. Total solar eclipse April 8 (Northeast Texas to Maine). Vegetate indoors. Trap and deter pests. Gender test and selection for vitality.

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Monitor for illness. Harden off plants. Repot the winning plants into larger pots when the leaves extend over the edge of the pot. Test the water source for pH and minerals. Full Moon: April 23 – Pink Moon.


Mother's Day is May 12th – planting day. Plant in final soil container inoculated with beneficial bacteria and fungi. Lay irrigation. Apply compost tea to stimulate soil life. Control pests with diatomaceous earth. Companion plant to attract beneficial insects. Top plants. Full Moon: May 23 – Flower Moon.

Outlook for summer

California and Oregon are expected to be hotter and rainier than average. Colorado should be hotter and drier than average. New York should be hotter (but also colder) and drier than average.

Interesting fact: The Sun is in the middle of solar cycle 25, which is the strength of solar cycle 24, the weakest in 200 years.


Great, if not. Maybe great again, if that makes sense. Mulch. Water. Check for disease/nutrient deficiencies. Control pests. Top dress. June 20th is the summer solstice – the longest day at 14 hours and 6 minutes. Full Moon: June 21st – Strawberry Moon.


Grid. Fight pests with beneficial bacteria. Shape the plant.

Top as needed. Feeding vegetation cycle. Water. Shade from heat stress. Look for males and herms that have passed the test. Start collecting pollen (if breeding). Day length: ~14 hours. Full Moon: July 21st – Buck Moon.


Control caterpillars with Bacillus thuringiensis. Water. Shape/defoliate/lollipops – if desired. Protect from the elements. Top as needed. Food for plants and food for flowers. Apply compost tea to stimulate soil life. Watch out for herms and guys. Avoid light pollution. Pollinate (when breeding). Full Moon August 19th – Sturgeon Moon. Day length: ~13 hours.


Flower food. Pre-harvest preparations: check equipment, review plan, purchase harvest calendar, jars, bags, gloves, etc. Fall begins on September 22nd with an equinox and a 12-hour night. Defoliate. Clean, dry room. Monitor trichome development. Wash. Harvest early indicas. Protect from early frost. Protect from rain and shake off morning dew. Control mildew and check for botrytis if necessary. Register to vote. Pollination (during reproduction) Full Moon: September 17th – Corn Moon. The days are getting shorter. Sept. 1. Day length: 1:01 p.m. September 30th Day length: 11:50 min.


Raw Garden crop photo essay by David Downs at Leafly(David Downs/Leafly)

Harvest flower! Allow to dry for 10 to 20 days. Cure for 2 to 4 weeks or longer. Trimming: Plan on 1 pound per 8 hours. Clean and compost the garden. Review of the season. Harvest seeds. Ten percent chance of first frost on October 28 in Petaluma, California. Full moon: October 17th – Hunter's moon October 15th Day length: 11:43 min.


Colorado-Cannabis-Processing-Plant-with-Weed-CuttersIn this 2017 photo, trimmers separate flowers from stems at a processing plant in Colorado. One of the trimmers wore a respirator mask due to pre-existing allergies. The other trimmers did not filter their breathing. (Photo: David Downs)

Late harvest of the last sativas. Poll. General elections on November 5th. Cure. Finish trimming. Or remain uncircumcised. Store the buds at around 8% humidity. Make hashish and other extracts. Clean, maintain, replace and store equipment. Research and planning for 2025. Optional: Pop seeds for a pheno hunt in 2025. November 15 Day Length: 10:07 mins Full Moon: November 15 – Beaver Moon.


Monitor curing and storage temperatures. Enjoy your harvest with a party. Share and gift perfectly ripe cannabis. Shop sales for '25 seeds and equipment. Reflect. cover crop. Change. Beautify. Take a surfing trip to Costa Rica. When looking for phenotypes: plant, take cuttings, switch to 12/12 indoors and look for winners. Full Moon: December 15th – Cold Moon. December 21st – Winter Solstice. Shortest day of the year, 09:32 min.

January 2025

Strain research: check laws; Buy seeds online and in person. Think about the growing environment and goals, e.g. B. Early ripening plants that produce good yields outdoors and are mold resistant for flowering. (as opposed to growing for hashish, a specific effect or smell or taste or hype). Buy seeds and clones online, events, seed exchange, “Free Seed Day”. Planning your garden: Think about light, space and security.

Gather supplies: pots, soil, nutrients, sanitation. Gardening is cleaning. Compost. Convert compost. Inoculate. The full moon is January 13th – Wolf Moon.

February 2025

Valentine’s Day – Germination. Inside. Outdoor soil testing/improvement. Fence. Secure. Irrigation schedule Create a harvest calendar. Groundhog Day is February 2nd.

And this is your Leafly Weed Gardener's Almanac for the 2024 growing season. Any questions? Leave a comment or join us on social media and we will encourage your growth!

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