The best tips to improve your intimacy game while high

The Karma Sutra is the original guide to enjoying your sex life. Written in the 3rd century, it has been a north star and guide to intimacy for centuries. The Indian book was a bestseller and the suggestions have been implemented in many ways throughout the centuries and around the world. I prove that cannabis has been used to stimulate and enhance the sexual experience for 3,000 years. The Indians went a step further in the 7th century and added cannabis to the emerging tantric sexual practices. Here are the best tips to improve your intimacy game while high.

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Consume in a way you know

If this is your first time trying the combination of marijuana and sex, try using a method that you are comfortable with. This will help avoid some of the factors that are beyond your control. If you like to plan ahead, experiment with different strains and consumption methods before the evening so you can manage your high and avoid negative side effects. And remember: a hint of giggles can be used as a brief pause before the next round of action.

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Take stresses into account

Do your research and learn about different types of marijuana as they can affect your body and performance in different ways. While some strains enhance physical sensations, others leave a more cerebral high, which can be frustrating when trying to have a special sexual experience. While people react differently to different strains of marijuana, sativas are a good place to start as they tend to improve your mood and increase your sensitivity.

Go slow, achieve bigger goals

You don't want to get too high, so be careful and consume slowly so that the process of getting high is as slow and sensual as possible. Let the touch guide you when cannabis hits. Add a little more if you need to increase your high before you realize you are too high and will have trouble keeping your eyes open.

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Use lubricant

Lube is always a great idea. This makes things move better and creates a subtle additional layer of emotion. Strange fact is that THC causes you to have a dry mouth easily and slows down your body's fluid production. So little lube can lead to pleasurable sex. Keep your lube nearby and stay hydrated.

Play with new sensations

Try new toys or sensations, taking advantage of your body's newly acquired sensitivities. Here too, it is important to take it slowly to avoid becoming overwhelmed and avoid scenarios that are too intense. Go crazy with an ice cube, some lube, or whatever else sounds like a good time.

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