Test Cannabis Smoke – Cannabis | weed | marijuana

Anne McLellan, the leader of the legalization farce that once called cannabis a “scourge,” says we should test cannabis smoke.

And by “we” she means the private sector. As the former Deputy Prime Minister told The Globe:

The big disappointment with the legalization project is that governments and researchers haven’t proceeded in the way we hoped after legalization to do much of this research… There’s a lot we don’t know, that we will need it know.

McLellan hoped Ottawa would create an “incentive” for the private sector to test cannabis smoke. However, there is no federal regulation mandating this.

McLellan criticizes the fact that Canadians use cannabis without proper government studies. After five years of legalization, we still don’t know how safe legal cannabis is.

But this is absolute madness and an attempt to shove some uncomfortable facts into the Orwellian memory gap. From the Liberals promising to legalize it to the day the first cannabis stores opened, the propaganda was intense.

Cannabis from “illegal” sources was unsafe. Only state-regulated cannabis was safe to use. Bill Blair, Canada’s cannabis king, described the licensed cultivation facilities as “pharmaceutical factories” where you can eat off the ground.

So what happened?

Testing cannabis smoke

What happened? Governments set up monopolistic wholesalers while big manufacturers flooded the market with their products. At the same time, politicians like Justin Trudeau labeled BC Bud as a gang of criminals with no regard for product safety.

Now that the cannabis cartel is here, the propaganda has shifted back to the ban fridge craze. All cannabis is unsafe. Therefore, we need to start testing cannabis smoke.

McLellan worries that without these tests, legal liability could become an issue. It’s not out of the question. Canadians could sue the government. Governments could sue cannabis companies. It would be a repeat of the lawsuit against Big Tobacco.

But the cannabis industry has no incentive to test cannabis smoke, says McLellan.

Data from Health Canada’s 2021 Canadian Cannabis Survey found that most Canadian cannabis users do not consider cannabis smoke to be as harmful as tobacco smoke. And that’s a perception the legal cannabis industry doesn’t want to challenge.

But even if tests show that cannabis smoke is just as (or even more) harmful than tobacco, frequency of use is an important metric. An average cigarette smoker uses at least twenty cigarettes a day.

Even the biggest stoner in the country is unlikely to be able to handle 20 1-gram joints a day. Maybe they need that amount of cannabis for medical reasons. In most cases, patients trade their cannabis flower for slivers or edibles.

Who would want to smoke twenty joints in a row when a dab of shatter can have the same instant effect?

An incompetent Trudeau government

What McLellan is proposing is not that radical. The federal government already requires tobacco companies to meet strict testing standards. It’s strange that they didn’t charge the same for cannabis.

Instead, like everything else in the Trudeau administration, they shifted their priorities elsewhere. Rather than focusing on the actual potential effects of cannabis smoke by requiring testing, Health Canada is focusing on “mental health.”

As we have already discussed, cannabis is an active placebo. Aside from the physical effects, everything else boils down to the setting and environment. Cannabis cannot cause mental problems.

So it’s not surprising that the Trudeau administration paid no attention to cannabis smoke testing. Instead, they launched a propaganda campaign about the “mental health risks” of cannabis.

However, one of the warnings on the packaging of legal cannabis products warns about cannabis smoke.

“Cannabis smoke is harmful,” the warning reads. “Toxic and carcinogenic chemicals found in tobacco smoke, such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic amines, and N-heterocyclic compounds, are also found in cannabis smoke.”

This warning is one of eight. The other seven cover “mental health” risks and impairments unrelated to smoking.

Nobody cares

Testing cannabis smoke

There are groups across the country meeting with Health Canada and provincial governments. They want to get cannabis smoke testing rolling. This includes an advisory board consisting of physicians and other medical professionals.

They are not prohibitionists. Many advocated legalizing cannabis long before Justin Trudeau seized the opportunity to win the 2015 election. Some were also pioneers in the field of medicinal cannabis.

According to the Globe, these professionals are falling behind. The officers pretend to be shocked but then do nothing. Therefore, they propose a “buyer-cautious” strategy. Even if it’s legal and regulated, these health experts recommend taking precautions.

Health Canada and the Trudeau government believe everyone knows that inhaling smoke into the lungs is dangerous. Therefore, no additional tests are required.

Because of this, the Advisory Board and McLellan believe there is a possibility of a class action lawsuit against the government in 10 to 15 years.

Testing cannabis smoke

Testing cannabis smoke

The Cannabis Act is subject to a mandatory review. The Trudeau Foundation’s senior bureaucrat and sidekick, Morris Rosenberg, is leading the review. He said testing cannabis smoke is “not an issue I’ve focused on so far.”

The last state-approved cannabis smoke test was in 2005. A single crop from Prairie Plant Systems (the original and only commercial producer of medical cannabis) yielded no positive results.

Compared to tobacco, the cannabis made from PPS contained twice as much tar, up to five times as much hydrocyanic acid and 20 times as much ammonia.

However, since current production methods require sterile greenhouses and an irradiated end product, cannabis smoke testing is irrelevant.

Trudeau’s government has just given Canadians another reason to ignore their mandates disguised as the rule of law.

If legal cannabis producers are growing cannabis that is just as toxic to smoke as tobacco or cannabis from “illegal” markets, what the heck is the point of government regulation?

What is the purpose of inflating production costs through excessive paperwork, licenses and taxes?

If the government can’t guarantee that legal cannabis smoke is safer than “illegal” cannabis smoke, then perhaps it shouldn’t be in this business.

Perhaps the ruling party should live up to its name and liberalize legalization.

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