Meta updates policy to allow CBD ads without permission
Major social media platforms continue to gradually warm to cannabis. While Meta competitor Twitter announced last February that it would allow some CBD and THC ads, Meta is also ta
Global Cannabis News Updates – The Swiss go to THC, Germany flip-flops on Rec, Costa Rica says yes and Malaysia is next
Swiss city wants to sell recreational cannabis Basel-Stadt, a region in northern Switzerland, announced they will begin pilot trials of legal marijuana sales by September 2022. Thi
Mid-Year 2022 Cannabis Industry Updates: International
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Mid-Year 2022 Cannabis Industry Updates: Northeastern United States
So far this month we’ve covered what’s happening in the U.S. cannabis industry in the western states, midwest, and southern states, as well as five states that are roll
Updates der Cannabisindustrie zur Jahresmitte 2022: Mittlerer Westen und Süden der Vereinigten Staaten
Letzte Woche haben wir darüber berichtet, was in den westlichen Bundesstaaten der US-Cannabisindustrie in den ersten sieben Monaten des Jahres 2022 passiert ist. Diese Woche werde
Updates der Cannabisindustrie zur Jahresmitte 2022: Westen der Vereinigten Staaten
Es ist Mitte des Jahres 2022, und wenn Sie Nachrichten lesen, scheint es, als würde der Himmel auf die US-Cannabisindustrie fallen. Ja, es gibt Probleme, und viele Lizenzinhaber i
The latest Israeli cannabis news updates
The latest cannabis news from Israel Yeruham, a desert city in Israel, is hoping to become a capital for MMJ Yeruham is a desert city in Israel that is worlds away from the modern
Germany, Joe Rogan, Weed Taxes and Edible Train Tickets – Latest Updates December 2021 – Latest Cannabis News Today
The year is drawing to a close and we are all preparing for a new beginning. Before we embark on a new lap around the sun, here’s a look at grass around the world and the lat
International travel: Biden administration updates COVID-19 guidelines
After months of severe international travel restrictions, the US is preparing to reopen its borders. This week President Joe Biden announced that fully vaccinated travelers from ce