Cannabis training matters: Why proper advice is of crucial importance when the legalization is expanded
With cannabis use due to the increasing legalization, pharmacists and medical specialists play a key role in clarifying consumers about a safe and responsible consumption. Since mo
The best tips for outdoor training in hot weather
Summer is the time to get outside and have fun. Whether it's swimming, pickleball, exercising, gardening, or keeping up with your walking/running schedule… the weather is
What is the science of training sick?
While most use excuses to avoid working out, there is a group that feels compelled to exercise regularly… but should they stop if they're sick? It's hard to imagine s
The police get people high as part of the “Stoned Driving” training
Driving stoned. It has become one of the most vexing law enforcement challenges in the age of legalization, as police officers across the country struggle to reconcile their jurisd
Can Cannabis Help With Training?
Nothing beats being in the flow of a kickass workout. Whether it’s stomping your feet on the pavement, pumping your arms while lifting kettlebells, or firing your glutes whil
How to Use Leafly Learn Courses for Budtender Training
According to the Leafly 2022 Jobs Report, the cannabis industry (both medicinal and adult use) supports over 428,000 jobs in cultivation, production, testing and retail. Many of th
New York is giving $5 million to community colleges for professional training in the cannabis industry
Community colleges in New York will receive millions in funding “to support the creation or enhancement of short-term skills programs or course offerings that open pathways t
Weed and Training | Exercising while high
I’ve been going in and out of the Ballpark of Fitness since quarantine. You know the ballpark—even the most conscientious of you have spent time there. Close your eyes and
30 minutes of strength training can reduce your risk of these diseases
We often discuss the effects of cardio and how it can help you live a longer, healthier life, not to mention lose weight. However, a new study shows that muscle-building exercises
How weed training can help stave off unwanted vacation weight
For those of you who don’t consider yourself a fitness junkies, exercising can be a chore that you should avoid at all costs. However, as the holidays get closer, unwanted we
Short vs. Long Training: Which Is Better?
As experts know more about our bodies, new research emerges and provides supporting evidence. A new study found that short bursts of movement, like walking up and down stairs or wa
The 8 best strains for evening training
For the night owls who prefer to warm up while the rest of the neighborhood relaxes, I see you. Not everyone is designed to sweat with the sunrise or do calisthenics during their l