Star signs and cannabis strains: March 2025 horoscopes
Welcome to March, Stargazers! This month brings dreamy and reflective energy to move us through Pisces season, a time of intuition, creativity, and emotional depth. The Sun in Pisc
Star signs and cannabis strains: January 2025 horoscopes
Hello, Zodiac babes, and welcome to 2025! The stars ensure it’ll be a big one, as the year kicks off with Capricorn season in full swing. This earthy energy inspires us to set re
Star signs and cannabis strains: December 2024 horoscopes
Happy December, Stargazers! The final month of the year harkens Sagittarius season and lights up the cosmos, bringing an adventurous and optimistic energy to guide us. The stars ar
Star signs and cannabis strains: November 2024 horoscopes
Welcome all Stargazers! November promises a month of celestial buoyancy even as the days and temperatures wane. Scorpio season dominates the first three weeks of the month, full of
Star signs and cannabis strains: October 2024 horoscopes
Welcome to October, Stargazers! Jupiter, the most pumpkin-like planet, remains in retrograde throughout October, reminding us to slow down and focus on our growth. The spooky seaso
Kentucky receives 5,000 applications for medical cannabis business licenses – signs of enormous market potential
Kentucky is diving headfirst into the medical cannabis industry and has received nearly 5,000 applications for business licenses. This overwhelming response reflects strong interes
Star signs and cannabis strains: September 2024 horoscopes
Welcome to September, Stargazers, and happy Virgo season! Fall’s arrival means a time for grounding, organizing, and setting intentions for the cooler months ahead. Virgo’s ene
Positive signs for legal marijuana in New York
The cannabis industry is nervously awaiting the federal government's actions. On one side is the slow Biden/Harris administration and the Drug Enforcement Administration's
Star signs and cannabis strains: August 2024 horoscopes
Welcome to August, stargazers! As our summer days begin to wane this month, we bask in the vibrant and fiery energy of Leo season. The Sun shines brightly in Leo, encouraging us to
Star signs and cannabis strains: July 2024 horoscopes
Welcome to July, Stargazers, and happy Cancer season. Sunny days ahead! This is a time to nurture ourselves and delve fully into our emotional depths. The moon resets its cycle, cr
Signs your child may be using marijuana
Until the 1980s, parents worried about alcohol, but is marijuana a problem today? The world is changing rapidly as Canada and parts of the US and Europe legalize weed. And the majo
Star signs and cannabis strains: May 2024 horoscopes
Welcome to May, Stargazers. May offers a harmonious blend of cosmic energies that resonate deeply with the grounded spirit of Taurus season. During this month, Pluto in retrograde
Star signs and cannabis strains: March 2024 horoscopes
Welcome to March, Stargazers. It’s officially Pisces season, a time to embrace your inner dreamer and let creativity flow, with a stack of planetary events headed our way. On Mar
5 signs your job isn't making you happy
The job market has been up and down over the last six years, Covid has turned things upside down and we have seen great resignation. In one part of the country they have the opport
Star signs and cannabis strains: January 2024 horoscopes
Hello, Stargazers, and welcome to 2024! Get ready for a new of astral changes and dank strains. As we usher in the new year, Mercury returns to direct motion on January 1. This eve
Star signs and cannabis strains: December 2023 horoscopes
Welcome to December, Stargazers, and get ready—it’s a busy one! First, Neptune goes direct on December 6, inviting a subtle yet profound shift in our spiritual and creative rea
Star signs and cannabis strains: November 2023 horoscopes
It’s officially Scorpio season, Stargazers! As the days grow increasingly shorter and the nights longer, this water sign encourages us to delve into our emotions, catalyzing intr
Gov. Newsom Signs Bill Allowing MDMA, Psilocybin Prescriptions as Fed Changes Date
Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a bill that would allow California doctors to immediately begin writing prescriptions for MDMA and psilocybin drugs if the federal government decides t
Star signs and cannabis strains: October 2023 horoscopes
Welcome to Libra season, Stargazers! This month poises us to make time for seeking balance in our relationships and personal endeavors, reflecting the equilibrium that Libra symbol
Subtle signs your dog is depressed
Just like their human counterparts, dogs can end up in landfills for a variety of reasons. However, it is not always easy to identify depression in a pet. Does a longer nap or incr