Can you get secondhand smoke from vaping?
Secondhand smoke can be harmful because people can inhale the fine particles in the vapor aerosol, which can pose health risks. Vape aerosol contains nicotine and toxic substances
Can I get high from secondhand smoke from marijuana?
You’ve heard the fabulous stories about the second-hand high. A friend of a friend was mugged at a music festival for just sitting next to a hippie smoking a joint. Or your n
Is second-hand cannabis smoking harmful?
In 1998, Ross Rebagliati won the gold medal in the men’s snowboard giant slalom at the Olympic Winter Games in Nagano, Japan. The day after his victory, he was stripped of hi
Second-hand bong smoke is far more toxic than tobacco — here’s why
It’s no secret that passive smoking is bad for your health. It contains hundreds of chemicals known to be toxic or carcinogenic and causes over 41,000 deaths annually, accord