BC Enables Recreational Cannabis Delivery – Latest Cannabis News Today
Do you need some grass but too baked to go out? Why not call for delivery! This may not be an option now, but it will be in a few weeks. According to a recent announcement by the p
We thought we were celebrating recreational grass legalization in Mexico – we were wrong
Two months ago we did Postedto celebrate the passage by the Mexican Lower Chamber of the Cannabis Bill Bill, presented to it by the Mexican Senate last November. In this post I wro
Montana is preparing for recreational cannabis legalization in 2021
Montana is in the process of decriminalizing adult cannabis use. The state has had a very stable medical marijuana program for some time. And with this new development, the state t
Montana is preparing for recreational cannabis legalization in 2021
Montana is in the process of decriminalizing adult cannabis use. The state has had a very stable medical marijuana program for some time. With this new development, the state treas
When will you start selling recreational weed in New York?
The sale of adult cannabis in New York has finally been finalized and approved. This latest development is set to boost the state’s economy by at least $ 350 million. Last Tu
What do older adults use recreational cannabis for?
Have you ever wondered how recreational cannabis legalization has affected older adults? Apparently, older adults use cannabis primarily for medicinal purposes, but buy it from rec
How is recreational marijuana selling in Michigan? $ 1 billion in just 12 months and counting
Michigan citizens sure set their weeds on fire last year. They smoked and dosed until all sales lit up – almost 482% more! The Michigan recreational cannabis market totaled $
Louisiana Bill, HB 434, to Tax Potential Recreational Cannabis Fails in Congress
Louisians will likely have to wait at least another year before the state legalizes marijuana after HB 434 was rejected in legislature Tuesday. According to local TV station and ne
In which states can you grow your own recreational or medicinal cannabis?
As more states approved medicinal and recreational cannabis in recent years, one might think that the number of states where cannabis can be grown at home would increase proportion
Israel’s cannabis market is moving towards promising recreational reform
Israel’s cannabis market is finally moving into the recreational box this year. At some point this year, if all goes as planned, the country will introduce a recreation syste
Why did the Florida Supreme Court shoot down recreational marijuana in Florida?
The constitutional rights of the good people of Florida have been trampled by the Florida Supreme Court to halt advances in legalizing recreational marijuana use. The fact that the
Sue City Of Miami Pharmacies For The Right To Open; The Florida Supreme Court casts a recreational ballot
By Nina Zdinjak The state of Florida legalized medical cannabis in 2016 through a constitutional amendment that allows the formation of a fully legal medical cannabis program. The
Why have some Arizona cities and towns banned recreational marijuana dispensaries?
The world is gradually awakening to the truth about marijuana: it’s a SUPERUBLE with immense health benefits, and several regions of the world are legalizing it for their cit
The European Cannabis News – Quality cannabis offerings and new recreational attempts begin
Aphria has Europe in its sights Cannabis giant Aphria told Barron on Monday that the ongoing high quality cannabis deals in Europe will help them find a good stand on the continent
The South Dakota Supreme Court will hear the recreational cannabis case this month
South Dakota has made the headlines for both good and bad reasons since it legalized cannabis with an electoral measure in the last election cycle. While they managed to legalize,
Aye Oh, New York legalizes recreational cannabis and becomes the kingpin of weed on the east coast
There is an increased demand for marijuana worldwide; Why? In addition to its recreational effects, it is also laden with medicinal goodness, which explains why numerous states in