THC levels will become a reality again in California in 2024
The test results of the millions of pot smokers in California are expected to drop significantly this year. But don't worry – the grass remains as strong as ever. State o
Real marijuana and virtual reality – do they go together?
They are two giants of a new era – marijuana and virtual reality (VR). Marijuana is making a comeback after decades of prohibition, and 88% of people think some form should b
Can You Distort Reality to Never Run Out of Weed, Again? (Steve Jobs Believed!)
Marijuana Mystic: Can you Distort Reality to Never Run Out of Weed Again? Steve Jobs thinks so!
Is Cannabis Rewriting Your Personal Reality?
How Cannabis Disrupts the Great Cosmic Automation Most of your life happens without your knowledge and intervention. We like to believe that “we’re in control” of our deci
dr Oz exits reality in an epic anti-weed rage
Imagine if you had the chance to support a policy that 58% of all voters in your state want and only 26% oppose. Imagine siding behind policies so bipartisan and appealing that the
The Marijuana Metaverse – A Closer Look at Cannabis and Virtual Reality
We’re reaching a point in human history where full immersion technology is inching closer. With things like Elon Musk’s Neurolink, you might not need external hardware
It is time to recognize the reality of THC in professional sports
By Jim Higdon, co-founder of Cornbread Hemp Drug testing for THC in professional sports is almost dead as it should be – but not entirely. It still lurks in the corners like
Stumble without mushrooms? – Can virtual reality simulate a psychedelic experience?
Studies over the years have shown that psychedelics and virtual reality (VR) have analog functions. Both have been used to alter sensory experiences in users. Psychedelics and virt