How smoking marijuana affects oral health
Through Nina Zdinjak It is well known that toxic materials enter the body through the mouth, affecting the lining of the mouth and various structures in our body, writes News Medic
Do you qualify for oral COVID treatment? Here’s how to find out
Paxlovid is an oral antiviral for COVID that treats the disease quickly and prevents serious symptoms from occurring. Surprisingly, the government hasn’t done a good job of i
Poor oral health is associated with this common and dangerous disease
Oral health is important. Maintaining healthy gums and teeth requires many steps, which most of our dentists like to passive-aggressively remind us of. Still, they may be right. Wh
Oral Ingestion Or Sublingual Drops: What’s The Best Way To Consume Marijuana?
Smoking is the oldest and most common form of cannabis use, with grinding, rolling, and lighting joints being social rituals in cannabis culture. However, not every cannabis user i
Big Pharma tested oral cannabis spray for brain tumors in a new study
Medical studies are reportedly due to begin at the University of Leeds on the use of a medicinal cannabis drug called Sativex to treat brain tumors. Sativex is used together with t
Crossword Alert for Adults! Cannabis and Oral Sex – Latest cannabis news today
Make no mistake, cannabis affects the bedroom experience, especially when it comes to oral sex. You might already know that, but do you know why grass does what it … um, down