New weed transactions of America: Miami's first MMJ shop is opened
Who needs new weed transactions? We do it. Miami gets his first medical pharmacy, New Mexico welcomes a massive cannabis superstor, and a rapper in Detroit brings legal weed to 8 m
MMJ Patients Have No Gun Rights: Federal Court Rules on Nikki Fried’s Second Amendment Lawsuit
Through Nina Zdinjak A federal court dismissed Nikki Fried’s second amendment lawsuit against the federal government, which wanted to allow medical marijuana patients to purc
GOP lawmakers are questioning the legalization of MMJ, calling it a “stepping stone” for recreational use
Through Jelena Martinovic Tennessee, one of several states where only CBD oil is legal, has seen its fair share of cannabis legislative action by GOP lawmakers, but medical and rec
Australians Going Legal With Their Weed? Legal MMJ sales rise as illegal market sales fall, says new Australian study
Australians get high on MMJ: Study shows more people are turning to MMJ via the black market Down Under In February 2016, Australia made medical marijuana legal thanks to royal app
MMJ patients report using fewer opioids and alcohol, but they don’t tell their doctor about cannabis, a new study says
MMJ patients report using less opioids and alcohol, a new study says But why don’t they tell their doctors about it? Opioid medications are often self-prescribed by doctors t
No cops getting high, veterans want MMJ access, mother of sick child pushes for legalization
Thailand’s police officers are not allowed to get high at work Thailand recently became the first country in Asia to legalize marijuana, and it seems the police are benefitin
Medical cannabis bill is missing a vote in Georgia Senate, ending MMJ hopes in the state for now
Goodbye to Georgia’s medical cannabis bill – for now. Last week, the Georgia legislature voted to drop the latest medical cannabis bill after being unable to reach a co
Yes, you are fired! – Why a doctor’s note for MMJ won’t save you from losing your job
Americans who use cannabis even for medicinal purposes in marijuana-legal states still face losing their jobs as long as the federal government maintains a marijuana ban. That̵
Why a Medical Certificate for MMJ Won’t Save You From Losing Your Job
This article originally appeared on and has been republished with permission. Americans who use cannabis even for medicinal purposes in marijuana-legal states still fa
Could Medical Marijuana Be Legalized Federally Now, With Republican Senator Lindsey Graham Open To MMJ Legalization?
One of the top US Republicans, Lindsey Graham, has openly opposed the MORE bill passed by the United States House of Representatives on Friday. However, Lindsey admitted that he is
Georgia’s MMJ patients are still forced to rely on the illicit market 7 years after legalization
By Nina Zdinjak Cannabis advocates around the world are pushing for the plant’s legalization to make it more available and, of course, safer. Unfortunately, legalization is n
A BA in MMJ? How American universities are attracting new students with marijuana degrees
This article originally appeared on and has been republished with permission. Thousands of students across the United States are looking to study cannabis-related prog
A BA in MMJ? How American universities are attracting new students with marijuana degrees
Thousands of students across the United States are looking to study cannabis-related programs at top universities across the country. Getting a degree in cannabis may seem strange
With Cuomo Out, New York MMJ pharmacies can now sell flowers to patients
Eventually, licensed marijuana dispensaries in New York can move on to storing and selling grown and cured cannabis flowers. The latest move by the state cannabis control committee
The Swiss Go MMJ – Swiss doctors can prescribe medical marijuana without an “exemption”
Doctors in Switzerland may soon be able to prescribe medical cannabis to registered patients without having to go through the existing tedious process of obtaining approval from hi