Illegal marijuana seizures in California in 2024 target the black market and impact the legal cannabis industry
Recent raids by California law enforcement highlight how entrenched the illegal cannabis market remains in the state, despite legalization. In 2024 alone, California authorities se
Study on marijuana use and yoga finds that set and setting can have an impact on mental health
A newly published study finds that people who practice yoga after consuming marijuana experience improved mindfulness and mystique, suggesting that environment and behavior may pla
The economic impact of Texas cannabis companies is expected to surpass that of wine
Cannabis companies in Texas could soon be making more money than the wine industry, reports the Austin Business Journal. According to a new report from Whitney Economics, an Oregon
Republican congressmen push for environmental impact study on cannabis
Congressmen Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) and Doug Lamborn (R-CO) touted statistics from multiple studies, one of which was over a decade old, in an attempt to portray
GOP lawmakers are urging Dems to consider the environmental impact of cannabis legislation
Through Johanna Skopl Republican Reps. Earl Carter of Georgia and Doug Lamborn of Colorado called on Senate Democrats to conduct environmental impact assessments of their proposed
The Impact of Big Data and Technology on the Marijuana Industry
Data is changing the cannabis industry, and as a result, new technology companies are springing up in the cannabis space. Additionally, traditional non-cannabis companies are expan
Cannabis insiders are split over the impact of inflation on the market
In the days leading up to the recent bear market entry, cannabis insiders Benzinga offered mixed opinions on the impact of inflation on the cannabis sector. As fears of skyrocketin
So many Americans now think cannabis has a positive impact on society
This article originally appeared on and has been republished with permission. Ten years after Washington and Colorado were the first states to legalize cannabis for ad
According to a new poll, over 60% of Americans believe cannabis has a positive impact on society
Ten years after Washington and Colorado were the first states to take the initiative to legalize cannabis for adult use, a lot has changed. A decade ago, Washington and Colorado to
National Expungement Works Releases 2021 Impact Report
The organization National Expungement Works (NEW) released its 2021 Impact Report on February 22, which examines the past year’s victories to help those impacted by the crimi
New Study Shows COVID-19 Has A Strong Impact On This Organ
The impact of long COVID-19 has been documented in thousands of people. Still, since the disease is still new, researchers have only been able to provide estimates and rough number
What is Science Telling Us About Cannabis and Its Impact on Society?
Cannabis has been cultivated for over 4,000 years, but its use was banned only in the 20th century. In recent years, the rehabilitation of marijuana has begun in some countries: th
Previous Impact of the Biden Government on the Cannabis Industry
President Joe Biden was a busy man during his freshman year in the Oval Office. From passing stimulus laws to facilitating the introduction of coronavirus vaccines, it’s hard
Does OnlyFans have a negative impact on the cannabis job market?
The labor shortage has recently been a problem for industries across the board. The battle for good employees has been so tough that even recreational cannabis pharmacies have trou
The economic impact of cannabis
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The impact of cannabis sales on market growth
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Chuck Schumer’s Senate balancing act could impact marijuana reform
Long before Chuck Schumer was the Senate majority leader, he believed he would eventually be the guy to lift the marijuana ban nationwide. Now that he has the job, the task of refo