Regulate cannabis like fish – Cannabis | weed | marijuana
Regulate cannabis like fish? Excuse me what? According to Leah Heise, the cannabis industry can learn a lot from commercial fishing. An experienced cannabis executive, Leah has ser
Fish varieties: The 8 best varieties for the fish season
Pisces is a mutable water sign ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, symbolized by two fish caught in an eternal orbit; the image is fluid and rigid at the same time. And like its iconogra
California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Announces Enforcement for Illegal Cannabis Growing Season
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC), and the State Water Resource Board (SWRCB) announced in a July 1 press release that
The Secret to Massive Cannabis Plant Growth? fish poop!
Hydroponics, composting, vermiculite… these are just a few of the many common fertilizers used to grow cannabis. But did you know that fish droppings are also an excellent fertil
Aquaponics: The future of sustainable cannabis is fueled by fish droppings
Did you know that some of Canadian weed is grown from fish waste? No, we are not koi; Aquaponics is a unique and environmentally friendly way of growing cannabis. The practice of a
Cannabis-infused fish tacos with battered beer
If you followed up with our Mexican dip-inspired edibles last week, then this week is something for you to experience. To go with your pico and guac, we have a super easy fish taco