NYC urges landlords to enforce unlicensed cannabis
In April 2023, New York City Councilman Lynn C. Schulman introduced a bill to the City Council that would prohibit landlords from renting to a commercial tenant engaged in the unli
NYC urges landlords to enforce unlicensed cannabis
In April 2023, New York City Councilman Lynn C. Schulman introduced a bill to the City Council that would prohibit landlords from renting to a commercial tenant engaged in the unli
Study of five US cities shows pharmacies strictly enforce ID verification laws
As a fledgling industry, many are all too familiar with the strict compliance protocols associated with cannabis today. Cannabis retailers in the US must comply with a number of ru
Will cracking down on the cannabis social clubs in Barcelona enforce the legalization problem in Spain?
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article belong solely to the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Fresh Toast. Forbes, which generally has excellent reporting