Meet Dr. Cannabis – A Psychedelic Politician Created with ChatGPT
Dr. Cannabis Meet Dr. Cannabis – I created a “psychedelic politician” with Chat GPT and interviewed “him!” By now, you should know about the rise of A.I and how it
How are new weed varieties created?
Dozens of new cannabis strains are created every year, each combining the taste, aroma and effects of two or more strains into a new one. Cannabis tastes and trends are constantly
Small houses in Europe created with corrugated hemp panels
A non-profit social enterprise based in Ireland called Common Knowledge and an England-based hemp farm called Margent Farm are teaming up to build tiny houses out of hemp. Each bui
Frankenstrain Cannabis Bud with 17% more THC, 25% more CBG and 30% more terpenes Created by an Israeli engineer
Israeli engineers are creating a novel new cannabis strain with more THC… and more terpenes too!!! Israeli researchers see the potential of more THC and terpenes for cannabis
How the Controlled Substance Act created a new form of modern day slavery
This article originally appeared on and has been republished with permission. For those who have read my work over the past few years, I have always taken the position
How the Controlled Substance Act created a new form of modern day slavery
For those who have read my work over the past few years, I have always taken the position that bans are terrible government policies. I mean, if it didn’t work for God in the
Has a failed Olympic drug test just created the new face of cannabis legalization?
Unfortunately, just a few days after sent the bat signal for a new hero, one showed up. Just days after the now viral article “Marijuana Legalization Needs a New Sup