Why are pre-rolls so popular with consumers?
After Covid-19, consumers haven’t done much puff-puff-pass as fears of spreading the virus remain high. But stoners are resourceful bunch and have found a way to work togethe
FDA warns consumers of risks associated with Delta-8-THC products
On Tuesday, the Food and Drug Administration (the “FDA”) released its first statement regarding a consumer update on delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (“Delta-8-THC
Delta-8 pirates are scamming consumers and legit brands—and the feds don’t care
In June, Leafly published an article on delta-8 THC products purchased at a smoke shop in Oxnard, CA. Two of the three products turned out to be brandless packages of supposed delt
What Consumers Expect From CBD Brands
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The separation between cannabis companies and consumers
There’s a reason roughly 80-90% of the weeds bought in Canada still come from the black market – price. When cannabis was illegal, it was one of the cheapest drugs on t