The Marijuana Conviction Expungement Report Card is released
The effect of a criminal record is very devastating for many, as many find it difficult to be accepted in society. Because of this, the National Expungement Works (NEW) has been gi
No vaccination card, no weeds!
Quebec recently made headlines when it called for mandatory vaccination to buy cannabis and alcohol in the province. As a result, they saw registrations quadruple for the first dos
How a Georgia medical marijuana card changed my life
With my card, the police stopped harassing me because I smelled of weed I don’t even smoke in my car. But if a police officer stops me now, they can’t use “cannab
Can You Use Your Medical Marijuana Card In Other States?
The culture surrounding cannabis is changing rapidly. As more states legalize the recreational and medicinal uses of the plant, what was accepted a year ago could now be completely
What to do if you lose your vaccination card
With New York being the first state to require proof of vaccination for most indoor activities, other states are likely to follow suit. And while that’s great as it gives sta