When testing psilocybin mushrooms, the research involves quite a bit of magic
Based on a single prodrug and its hallucinogen, the potency of a psychedelic mushroom is compromised for a variety of reasons. Labs have a lot more work to do besides psilocybin an
You’re way too high – how can you bring it down a little bit?
Black pepper Almost everyone has black pepper spice in their kitchen. This spice has been observed to provide relief to people who are overwhelmed by anxiety or paranoia from too m
Channel 12 News’ Reefer Madness will end 2021 with a bit of ‘marijuana is a gateway drug’
At the beginning of 2022, you might think that Reefer Madness has gone the way of the dodo. One would expect science and reason to dictate our policies. However, for all of us who