Ash Catcher vs. Percolator: Which Is Best for Your Bong Experience?
When it comes to improving your bong experience, two popular options come to mind: ash catchers and percolators. Each serves a unique purpose and can significantly impact the quali
The 6 best ash catchers of 2024 for smoother hits
Ash catchers are becoming increasingly popular in the smoking community because they provide additional filtration and cooling to a bong, resulting in smoother, cleaner hits. There
A guide to the ash catcher
Why buy an ash catcher? Ash catchers are special bong accessories with a unique percolator that catches any ash or burnt material that may have slipped through the bowl, providing
What You Can Learn About Your Cannabis By Studying Ash and Soot
This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission. Seasoned cannabis users can talk at length about the many ways that you can determine the qual
What can you learn about your cannabis by examining the ash and soot that is left behind?
Seasoned cannabis users can talk at length about the many ways that you can determine the quality of your cannabis by a variety of factors. The most common aspects of the herb that